Sunday Jul 10, 2022
Shortcast : Gain without Pain
Sunday Jul 10, 2022
Sunday Jul 10, 2022
Is gain without pain even possible? We've all heard those words no pain, no gain. What does not kill you makes you stronger.
But are they true? Is it possible to grow without trauma and discomfort?
I was on the road Friday meeting up with the wife for a weekend in the borders returning a lot later than I planned on Sunday. Five hours in the car is a lot of podcasts.
One show that I have been following lately is Hidden Brain with Shankar Vedanta he is an American journalist, writer, and science correspondent
His guest was a researcher Erand Jayawickreme, he was looking into the ideas behind the idea of post-traumatic growth and the science behind it. His experience of truma was growing up in Sri Lanka during political strife and terrorist attacks by the Tamil Tigers.
It is a good episode and makes some useful conclusions, one which was no surprise is that people who experience trauma tend to be more empathetic to those experiencing a similar fate.
You can find the full program on your podcast app, and I have posted a link to it on the web page for this podcast.
The question for me is still outstanding can we grow without trauma and suffering?
Join me on the short cast where I will explore my thoughts around gain without pain
Life Passion & Business Podcast is about finding answers to life's big questions through weekly interviews with guest speakers. The Shortcast is my ongoing commitment to staying inquisitive and passionate about life with whatever is alive for me each week. Follow the links below to discover what else is on offer
The Five Questions eBook: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/the-five-questions
Focus Coaching: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/focus-coaching/
Support The Podcast:https://www.buymeacoffee.com/lifeandpassion
Midlife Survey: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/midlife-challenge/
Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
Lois Hollis : Beyond Shame
Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
Wednesday Jul 06, 2022
Where are you in life with the big emotional bricks like shame and guilt? Do you reflect on past events or experience these feelings in current relationships? For most of us, this stuff is part of our makeup; we are unaware of it. Having listened to my guest on the show today, I became conscious of my shame and guilt for past actions and how I have used shame in my family interactions.
My guest on the show has always been a pioneer. Lois Hollis is in her late 70s, deeply connected to God and her faith, and driven by a calling that started in childhood. Her early years were tough. With physical abuse at home, she received multiple head and neck injuries. One of these occasions led to a near-death experience where she received her calling. At church, she was preached into guilt and shame to find her sins; the teachers at school punished her for dyslexia.
Her solace was tap dancing, she loved to tap dance, and she tells me it was tap dancing that pulled her through. It worked because she finished high school, applied to nursing school at the University of Pennsylvania, and received a scholarship.
At college, Lois earned an RN and BSN nursing degree and went on to a job at the Jefferson hospital Philadelphia. Her creative approach to problems was recognised, and She got invited to join a programme that went on to develop the first Kidney Hemodialysis Units in the USA in 1966.
She became a pioneer of the kidney dialysis foundation and stayed in the programme for ten years, leaving it behind to have a family, and blessed with three daughters.
Then life took a turn. Now in her 40s, she experienced headaches that became migraine that developed into a range of other life-threatening problems. It reached a point where she was told she would not live beyond her 50s.
Those childhood traumas and physical abuse had a price it was discovered there were broken bones in her neck and back. Our conversation is one of physical, mental, and spiritual recovery and a wonderfully inspiring journey.
Today Lois Hollis works with shame and guilt as an independent study. She is bringing new knowledge of these misunderstood conditions. She is a filmmaker, author of 3 books, a speaker and a coach.
Further details about this podcast along with my Guest’s website and social links are all available at:
Life Passion & Business is dedicated to exploring what it takes to be Extraordinary, to face challenges and rejoice in the opportunities they bring, and expand our vision into new ways of thinking and living.
There is a lot to gain from listening to other people’s stories, however the real work begins by taking action in your own life.
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Running a podcast is fun, but it takes time and dedication. Whenever you enjoy a podcast please share your appreciation with comments, likes, shares and reviews. It helps other listeners find good content and supports the content creators and their guests.
Another way you can support the Life Passion & Business podcast is with small donations: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/lifeandpassion
Sunday Jul 03, 2022
Shortcast : Family Stories
Sunday Jul 03, 2022
Sunday Jul 03, 2022
Are you having important conversations? Are there elephants in the room?
I was privileged to be part of my wife's family reunion last week. My mother-in-law is 82 and in good health; however, it could be the last time she will see her son, who was over from the US.
We all had great conversations; they retold the best family stories and went to some of the dark places that most people avoid. It was a privilege to be a witness to the conversations; it was something that would not have happened in my family.
My conversation is not about revelling skeletons in the cupboard as there were none. But it is about having difficult conversations from a place of love and not blaming, shaming or guilt trips.
We are all a product of our historical experiences and the stories that we tell ourselves. We cannot change the past but can only seek or give forgiveness.
Life Passion & Business Podcast is about finding answers to life's big questions through weekly interviews with guest speakers. The Shortcast is my ongoing commitment to staying inquisitive and passionate about life with whatever is alive for me each week. Follow the links below to discover what else is on offer
The Five Questions eBook: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/the-five-questions
Focus Coaching: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/focus-coaching/
Support The Podcast:https://www.buymeacoffee.com/lifeandpassion
Midlife Survey: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/midlife-challenge/
Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
Deborah Johnson : Real and Authentic
Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
Wednesday Jun 22, 2022
I have a special admiration for those with a natural talent for music and performance, I had the acting bug in my 20s, and still, I love singing in groups.
Our guest in the show is a creative powerhouse; she has written and performed numerous one-woman shows and has three musicals to her name. She plays, sings, composes and, has written five books plus she speaks at live events.
Deborah Johnson's life is about the expression of creativity; that journey began when she was nine.
She was born to a musical family with a sister playing the violin. Deborah was guided to the piano and progressed quickly in her ability to play and sing.
She was the young little pianist who would do a solo piece at events and fairs.
Deborah took on her first students when she was 13. After college with an MA, she taught music at all levels, but her passion has always been creation and performance. That has been a story of discipline and dedication to her craft. As she says, “ It is putting in the reps,” she believes in hard work to get a result..
In our conversation, we touch on her process, her fear, and what drives her.
Deborah is a solopreneur and is constantly looking for the next creative project. She has been nominated for multiple GRAMMY Awards after more than 20 years in the entertainment industry. She's built numerous self-driven businesses and is an expert on how to constantly reinvent yourself in the gig economy.
Deborah is actively speaking and performing for both live and virtual events and will continue with her creative projects, as she said, “ Until my kids put me in a home.”
Join us for this delightful conversation with Deborah Johnson.
Further details about this podcast along with my guest's website and social links are all available at:
Life Passion & Business is dedicated to exploring what it takes to be Extraordinary, to face challenges and rejoice in the opportunities they bring, and expand our vision into new ways of thinking and living.
There is a lot to gain from listening to other people's stories, however the real work begins by taking action in your own life.
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Running a podcast is fun, but it takes time and dedication. Whenever you enjoy a podcast please share your appreciation with comments, likes, shares and reviews. It helps other listeners find good content and supports the content creators and their guests.
Another way you can support the Life Passion & Business podcast is with small donations: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/lifeandpassion
Sunday Jun 19, 2022
Shortcast : Consumption or Creation
Sunday Jun 19, 2022
Sunday Jun 19, 2022
Do you Netflicks binge, are you hooked on the news cycle or social media?
I want to explore the balance between consumption and creation on the show today.
It is easy to get hooked into following the news cycle, plugging into the media circus. But I wonder if we are losing our sense of balance in this.
A friend remarked only yesterday that she often reached for the phone as a distraction, and 30 minutes will vanish in moments. To some extent, we are powerless to resist these distractions. The platforms have designed their systems to hook us in so that we keep viewing the adverts.
During the Lockdowns in the UK, many people found safety in the streaming services, retreating to the sofa and the latest box set. No judgement there; it was a choice, and where did it lead?
There is no doubt that a bit of downtime is healthy, but the question is how much and how long.
When we get hooked on social media drama or the hero's journey of the latest epic, we are stepping out of our lives and putting our dreams on hold. That means investing energy in a story or narrative that is not our own.
We could be writing, drawing, playing music or having conversations. I invite you to explore your balance between consumption and creation in this show.
The question we must all consider is what feels better, watching a story unfold or creating and living our own.
Life Passion & Business Podcast is about finding answers to life's big questions through weekly interviews with guest speakers. The Shortcast is my ongoing commitment to staying inquisitive and passionate about life with whatever is alive for me each week. Follow the links below to discover what else is on offer
The Five Questions eBook: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/the-five-questions
Focus Coaching: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/focus-coaching/
Support The Podcast:https://www.buymeacoffee.com/lifeandpassion
Midlife Survey: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/midlife-challenge/
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Paul Baron : Life Long Relationships
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
Wednesday Jun 15, 2022
It can be said that life is about the connections, collaborations and relationships that we build. While it is possible to go through life alone, it would be a lonely journey.
My guest in the show at the time of recording was in his 70th year and is still in daily contact with a friend from grade school. They met when they were just four years old.
Our conversation is the celebration of an ongoing journey Paul Baron has 50 years of business experience. That was not the plan; he graduated college with a mathematics degree and became a teacher while studying for a master's.
He also liked to play tennis at a high level. A tennis partner and friend pointed out there were no retail options for professional Tennis or sports goods in their town. It was 1974; everything in retail would be new; they opened the first of 3 pro tennis shops. Paul's path in teaching and mathematics ended, and his business career began.
Over the last 40 years, he has been a product specialist identifying gaps in the US market, working with companies in the UK, Australia, USSR and China to fill those opportunities. He has had success and failures but has always enjoyed the journey.
Paul is your classic gentleman salesman, charming and full of stories. He is a mentor in the local start-up community in Bloomington and sits on the advisory board for business school at the University of North Carolina. He never entirely left teaching behind.
There is much to be learnt from our conversation, like the changes that modern technology has brought into the sales journey, which he calls the new rules of selling.
Paul has retired many times but always finds a new reason to get back into a business. The latest significant investment is a vertical printing machine that can print an image directly to a wall or surface.
I hope you enjoy the conversation with Paul Baron
Further details about this podcast along with my guest's website and social links are all available at:
Life Passion & Business is dedicated to exploring what it takes to be Extraordinary, to face challenges and rejoice in the opportunities they bring, and expand our vision into new ways of thinking and living.
There is a lot to gain from listening to other people's stories, however the real work begins by taking action in your own life.
For full details of Events, Resources and Services visit:
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Running a podcast is fun, but it takes time and dedication. Whenever you enjoy a podcast please share your appreciation with comments, likes, shares and reviews. It helps other listeners find good content and supports the content creators and their guests.
Another way you can support the Life Passion & Business podcast is with small donations: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/lifeandpassion
Sunday Jun 12, 2022
Shortcast : Mind Tricks of C19
Sunday Jun 12, 2022
Sunday Jun 12, 2022
Last Monday, I did the test, and COVID had come to visit after two years.
To be honest, it was pretty apparent by this point. But the journey to that test was eventful, and I thought it would make for an interesting reflection.
Before I realised it was COVID, my mind was playing tricks on me, and I thought I was started to have onset dementia, the narratives we create..
The story began the previous Wednesday; I decided to give my foot a test and do a hard effort session. For those not in the running world, a strenuous effort is running at max heart rate for a distance or time, followed by resting before going again.
I did 10 x 1 minute with 2 mins of rest.
It was a good session and it is hard on the body so it is not unusual to feel it the day after. I felt odd, but I put it down to the strenuous efforts.
I did a good warm-up on Friday and ran my fastest timed mile at 7.14. I felt fine, but I had a chest thing going on and put it down to the running. I did a 40-minute club efforts session and another high heart rate session on Saturday.
I went home tired, and it did not go away. I had a few naps, and it still did not go. I don't do colds; I push through, using mindfulness and bullying. Throughout the week, I was forgetful, absent-minded, daydreaming and just not present.
Monday did a test, and it practically lit up in seconds.
So I had COVID, but only when I had permission to stop did I take the time I needed to slow down and be gentle with myself.
It did make me realise that my mindset was in a hole last week, and it was not because of all the things I was calling myself for not pushing on. It was because I was ill.
I must remember to permit myself to be; the answer is not always to push through. When do you push when perhaps you need to be kind?
Life Passion & Business Podcast is about finding answers to life's big questions through weekly interviews with guest speakers. The Shortcast is my ongoing commitment to staying inquisitive and passionate about life with whatever is alive for me each week. Follow the links below to discover what else is on offer
The Five Questions eBook: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/the-five-questions
Focus Coaching: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/focus-coaching/
Support The Podcast:https://www.buymeacoffee.com/lifeandpassion
Midlife Survey: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/midlife-challenge/
Thursday Jun 09, 2022
Silja Thor : When The Bubble Bursts
Thursday Jun 09, 2022
Thursday Jun 09, 2022
Recovery from a financial wipeout is never easy, but there is always the danger of repeating the past patterns. My guest on the show today is a serial entrepreneur, and has started nine separate companies, she had an amazing journey through these different projects.
Like all of our storytellers on this show, there is much to be discovered in the rebuilding process.
Silja Thor was born in Iceland; after finishing high school, the plan was to go to university and get a job in international development. However, she decided to put uni on hold, take a job as an Air Hostess and travel for a year.
It was 2004 she was 21years old and living in Edinburgh when she started her first business in telecoms, it was very successful. She was young and naive and did not understand VAT, but it all worked out.
By 2006 she had exited the company and returned to Iceland because it was booming; she opened a new business connecting trade services. By 2008 she was employing staff, and everything was going in the right direction.
There was a little bit of sadness with a breakup with a business partner, but she bought him out, and the only way was up.
The Prime minister said, “God bless Iceland.”
The financial crash in October 2008 took her business, her saving and her home.
Our conversation is a recovery story, but it is about how you recover and rebuild. Silja was in danger of repeating past errors by creating a business that would again consume her.
A few years on, now living in the Netherlands and with a new successful business, newly divorced and a single Mum. She noticed that her daughter was always the last one to leave daycare and that she was missing her growing up. That realisation changed her perspective; it changed how she does business and how she runs her life.
Today Silja Thor is a business mentor, speaker & author who helps clients build successful and profitable businesses without sacrificing personal lives. It is about aligning every part of their business with their zone of genius to set the stage for the growth they want to achieve.
Further details about this podcast along with my Guest’s website and social links are all available at:
Life Passion & Business is dedicated to exploring what it takes to be Extraordinary, to face challenges and rejoice in the opportunities they bring, and expand our vision into new ways of thinking and living.
There is a lot to gain from listening to other people’s stories, however, the real work begins by taking action in your own life.
For full details of Events, Resources and Services visit:
Support For Podcasters:
Running a podcast is fun, but it takes time and dedication. Whenever you enjoy a podcast please share your appreciation with comments, likes, shares and reviews. It helps other listeners find good content and supports the content creators and their guests.
Another way you can support the Life Passion & Business podcast is with small donations: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/lifeandpassion
Sunday Jun 05, 2022
Shortcast : Sacredness and Flow
Sunday Jun 05, 2022
Sunday Jun 05, 2022
What is sacredness? May you be are one of those people that have sacred moments in life.
This podcast explores how and why it is important to bring some sanctity back into our lives. There are some great exercises at the end for you to explore.
Queen Elizabeth II was celebrated throughout the UK over the weekend in her platinum Jubliee. I am not a great royalist, but I can recognise the achievement of a woman who has taken on a role that has so many sacred connections and rituals attached to it.
Life was very different in 1952; the sacred was part of everyone's life, just as it was. Incredibly, a large proportion of the UK population thought the queen was directly related to God, and her Coronation was an ancient ceremony created to reinforce that myth.
Society has moved on, and we are the better for it, but we have lost a few things along the way.
Let us explore why we need to reclaim what is sacred to us and see how it just makes life better.
Life Passion & Business Podcast is about finding answers to life's big questions through weekly interviews with guest speakers. The Shortcast is my ongoing commitment to staying inquisitive and passionate about life with whatever is alive for me each week. Follow the links below to discover what else is on offer
The Five Questions eBook: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/the-five-questions
Focus Coaching: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/focus-coaching/
Support The Podcast:https://www.buymeacoffee.com/lifeandpassion
Midlife Survey: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/midlife-challenge/
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Robyn Locke : Asking For Purpose
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Wednesday Jun 01, 2022
Are you searching for your purpose? Have you tried asking?
We are all searching for meaning and purpose; it may not look like it from your perspective. But searching for a new job or changing career is about the need for what we do to have meaning.
Yes, I appreciate it is about money too, but real happiness is discovered when we align with our values, and the work has a meaning that fits those values.
My guest on the show had the childhood idea of becoming a nun or a nurse, and she did neither.
She had a successful career becoming a VP of marketing for a Realta organisation. She organised events and did a lot of public speaking and team motivation, and it was all about her passion.
As the internet arrived and the business changed, the work became unsatisfying; she lost her passion, and Robyn was looking for a change.
Our conversation was a journey of spiritual discovery. Some of my listeners might find this a little woo.
Woo or not, what is amazing is that life seems to work well for people that have a guided outlook. Robyn had practical business training and a career, but it made her miserable.
Today Robyn is an author with three books, she is an energy healer and transformational coach, and she consults and speaks at events.
Further details about this podcast along with my Guest’s website and social links are all available at:
Life Passion & Business is dedicated to exploring what it takes to be Extraordinary, to face challenges and rejoice in the opportunities they bring, and expand our vision into new ways of thinking and living.
There is a lot to gain from listening to other people’s stories, however the real work begins by taking action in your own life.
For full details of Events, Resources and Services visit:
Support For Podcasters:
Running a podcast is fun, but it takes time and dedication. Whenever you enjoy a podcast please share your appreciation with comments, likes, shares and reviews. It helps other listeners find good content and supports the content creators and their guests.
Another way you can support the Life Passion & Business podcast is with small donations: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/lifeandpassion
Sunday May 29, 2022
Shortcast : Regrets and Growth
Sunday May 29, 2022
Sunday May 29, 2022
Live life like you mean it and have absolutely no regrets.
That was a quote I saw on a friend's Facebook pages years ago.
Do you have regrets, or are you one of those who have none?
In this show, we will explore regret and how rumination of our regrets is so damaging and detrimental to our health. But also why having no regret is a lost opportunity.
You will discover what regrets are and why we have them.
Regret is the most common emotion that we ever experience, and of course, there is that famous work about the regrets of the dying, which are mostly about the loss of connections and not taking action.
We look at the four areas of regret and how regrets are a powerful tool for growth.
My thoughts and this conversation were prompted by the Psychology Podcast With Scott Kaufman and his interview with Dan Pink on his new book The Power of Regret.
The links the podcast and the book can be found at the website life passion and business.com
Life Passion & Business Podcast is about finding answers to life's big questions through weekly interviews with guest speakers. The Shortcast is my ongoing commitment to staying inquisitive and passionate about life with whatever is alive for me each week. Follow the links below to discover what else is on offer
The Five Questions eBook: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/the-five-questions
Focus Coaching: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/focus-coaching/
Support The Podcast:https://www.buymeacoffee.com/lifeandpassion
Midlife Survey: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/midlife-challenge/
Wednesday May 25, 2022
Carole Brody Fleet : Widows Wear Stilettos
Wednesday May 25, 2022
Wednesday May 25, 2022
Life and death are beyond our control, but we can change our reactions. My guess on the show today is here with a story of loss grief and recovery. She is an international speaker with four books to her name.
Carole Brody Fleet lives in Southern California and started her career in the legal profession. She met a fantastic man, a Vietnam vet and a serving police officer. They had a daughter, and life was good.
After 15 years in the legal profession, the hours were not compatible with family life, so Carole moved into a senior position within the beauty and cosmetic industry.
In the late 90s, Mike was diagnosed with motor neuron disease, an illness that was brought to prominence by the late Stephen Hawkin. He lived with the disease for years, however, Carole's husband Mike had a more aggressive form and degenerated quickly, dying within two years.
Unlike most of my guests, asking questions about passion and success is not so easy when the journey is not a choice. But this story is about rebuilding a life, at a time when most of the resources for grief were unhelpful. It was a time before the internet and social media the resources were not there to find the support she needed..
Carole’s had five years of widowhood and found a route to the point where she was inspired to write. What started as notes on a legal pad became the best selling book and the beginning of a new career.
The book “Widows in Stilettos” is a chronological manual to help women out of grief, it helps them to find a new story for their life. It has been republished for its second edition. That is a testament to its success.
Carole’s mission her why is is to help those through loss and bereavement, in the process, she has created a community of supportive women around her.
Today Carole is an accomplished writer, with four books, she is a regular contributor to Chicken Soup of the soul, the Huffington Post. She is a speaker appearing on stage Radio, TV and on podcasts like ours.
Further details about this podcast along with my Guest’s website and social links are all available at:
Life Passion & Business is dedicated to exploring what it takes to be Extraordinary, to face challenges and rejoice in the opportunities they bring, and expand our vision into new ways of thinking and living.
There is a lot to gain from listening to other people’s stories, however the real work begins by taking action in your own life.
For full details of Events, Resources and Services visit:
Support For Podcasters:
Running a podcast is fun, but it takes time and dedication. Whenever you enjoy a podcast please share your appreciation with comments, likes, shares and reviews. It helps other listeners find good content and supports the content creators and their guests.
Another way you can support the Life Passion & Business podcast is with small donations: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/lifeandpassion
Monday May 23, 2022
Shortcast : Attention and Inspiration
Monday May 23, 2022
Monday May 23, 2022
Attention and Inspiration, where are you placing your attention?
There is a saying:
"Where your attention goes energy flows?"
In this podcast, I am looking at the importance of attention, where it is placed and how it can build us up or take us down.
We live in a world driven by the need to get our attention. The mass media channels and social platforms know that activating our base emotions will draw us in and hold our attention long enough to see adverts and buy stuff to make ourselves feel better.
In the show, we cover the benefits of managing your attention and how that leads to a better life for you and those around you.
Life Passion & Business Podcast is about finding answers to life’s big questions through weekly interviews with guest speakers. The Shortcast is my ongoing commitment to staying inquisitive and passionate about life with whatever is alive for me each week. Follow the links below to discover what else is on offer
The Five Questions eBook: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/the-five-questions
Focus Coaching: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/focus-coaching/
Support The Podcast:https://www.buymeacoffee.com/lifeandpassion
Midlife Survey: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/midlife-challenge/
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Paula Telizyn A Near-Death Decision
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Wednesday May 18, 2022
Are you living to your full potential or cruising a path well-trodden? What if you had a moment, a close shave. A point where you could live or die. Would it change you?
Most of us live life as if it will go on forever, and for the majority of us, we get to experience 29500 days, letting them pass without much thought. I did a shortcast about that last year.
However, those life-changing moments bring it all into focus and make us reevaluate where we are.
The wake-up call can arrive at any time. For my guest on this show, it was staring at oncoming headlights and nowhere to go.
That near-fatal experience on the freeway started a chain of events; it was the moment that changed the direction of her life forever.
Paula had started a tech company in the early 90s, building websites, the first e-commerce sites in 1997 and the software for some of the first eBook readers.
Paula Telizyn could be the grandmother of the internet.
Despite all of this success, Paula was not happy. As someone with a mild form of ADHD, she was prone to overworking. She was running a full-time business, mothering three children, and the wonderful man she had married was now an out of work alcoholic with a tendency to violence.
The near-death experience was the wake-up call to look at her life and make some changes.
Our conversation is about the journey through a midlife crisis and out the other side. We talk about success, failure and relationships.
Further details about this podcast along with my Guest’s website and social links are all available at:
Life Passion & Business is dedicated to exploring what it takes to be Extraordinary, to face challenges and rejoice in the opportunities they bring, and expand our vision into new ways of thinking and living.
There is a lot to gain from listening to other people’s stories, however the real work begins by taking action in your own life.
For full details of Events, Resources and Services visit:
Support For Podcasters:
Running a podcast is fun, but it takes time and dedication. Whenever you enjoy a podcast please share your appreciation with comments, likes, shares and reviews. It helps other listeners find good content and supports the content creators and their guests.
Another way you can support the Life Passion & Business podcast is with small donations: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/lifeandpassion
Sunday May 15, 2022
Shortcast : Breaking Routines
Sunday May 15, 2022
Sunday May 15, 2022
Are you stuck in a pattern, and does it serve?
Are your routines healthy and supportive or restrictive?
Only you will know, and maybe they need to be broken to be able to tell the difference.
In this show, we explore routines and why it is essential to take time out from life to break the patterns and observe the difference. Yes, even the good ones.
Some years ago, I was in a bit of a mess, the head was not in the game, and my coach suggested I take a bit of time out from everything, go somewhere new and do nothing for a few days.
I did. It was lovely, and wow, it cleared my head, leading to lots of new thinking.
The entrepreneurial gurus tell us to have strong routines as it saves brainpower for the more critical tasks. Habits are good; they provide stability, and it is energy efficient. It is impossible to be 100% on all of the time; it is unhealthy and leads to burnout.
Living a good life is all about balance ( IMO) and finding what we need to experience the best. Staying with what we know is comfortable, but it may not give us the best experience.
I suggest you break some patterns in the show and see what happens.
But I am away for the weekend cycling a few mountains, never done that before, I will let you know what I discover.
Life Passion & Business Podcast is about finding answers to life’s big questions through weekly interviews with guest speakers. The Shortcast is my ongoing commitment to staying inquisitive and passionate about life with whatever is alive for me each week. Follow the links below to discover what else is on offer
The Five Questions eBook: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/the-five-questions
Focus Coaching: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/focus-coaching/
Support The Podcast:https://www.buymeacoffee.com/lifeandpassion
Midlife Survey: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/midlife-challenge/