Wednesday Nov 22, 2023
Clare Downham : Queen Of Calm
Wednesday Nov 22, 2023
Wednesday Nov 22, 2023
We all need a little calm in our lives, and our guest on the show is Clare Downham, who went from being a burnt-out teacher to becoming the queen of calm. Not overnight, of course; there is a story to be told.
Her recovery came once she discovered a place of calm by stripping back rather than adding more. It was the application of the three principles and the realisation that reality is not what we think it is.
The three principles are a tricky concept. They inspired Sydney Banks, a Scottish Welder from the 1970s. He was living in Canada and struggling with insecurity. While attending a weekend course, a passing comment about thoughts opened a door in his mind.
I have been exploring the principle for many years. It is an incredibly simple concept but really hard to implement and explain.
Queen of Calm
Clare is a great storyteller; her original plan was to be an engineer, and she learned to weld, cut and mill metal. But the science of engineering was not her thing. In a 180-degree shift, she went into the humanities and on to do a teaching degree.
She met her husband, became a teacher and set about the process of building a life with a family. Hungry to succeed, she took all of the promotions she could get, moving quickly into school management.
Nothing in the training teaches you to manage a school. How does a van with no wheels end up blocking the school gates, and more the point, how or who gets to move?
We explore what caused her to go off the rails and how self-care may have prevented her eventual burnout.
It is a lovely conversation with a woman who has been on the journey of life and realised that reality is not what it seems.
We get to explore the three principles, something I have wanted to do but never had the confidence to do on my own. Today, Clare is a three-principle practitioner, is known as the Queen of Calm and has a large following on Insight Timer.
She is dedicated to helping busy women create a life “Powered by Calm” by guiding them to transcend stress, anxiety, and overwhelm without the addition of tools, techniques or trawling through the past.
Further details about this podcast, along with my Guest’s website and social links, are all available at:
Life Passion & Business is dedicated to exploring what it takes to be Extraordinary, to face challenges and rejoice in the opportunities they bring, and to expand our vision into new ways of thinking and living.
There is a lot to gain from listening to other people’s stories, however the real work begins by taking action in your own life.
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Another way you can support the Life Passion & Business podcast is with small donations: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/lifeandpassion
Sunday Nov 19, 2023
Shortcast Pain or Values
Sunday Nov 19, 2023
Sunday Nov 19, 2023
Are you motivated by pain or value? So the bigger question is, do we need to experience pain in order to move or change?
In the shortcast, we are exploring how there are times when pain is a motivation, but for the really big changes in life, there has to be something else driving the action.
Looking at pain as in the ex-marketer, I can say marketing techniques will use pain to drive people towards a buying decision. It is about convincing people that buying stuff will make their lives better.
There is no doubt that some pain is a powerful motivator physical pain like toothache needs drugs, followed by a dentist appointment to solve the problem. There is nothing that you would not do to get rid of toothache.
But these are base-level problems and dovetail into Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. ( if that is new to you, see here. At the bottom of the pyramid, we're looking for safety, security and physical comfort. Physical pain is physical discomfort, and we want to change that.
As we move up the pyramid, when all of the basic needs and desires are met, it is time to self-actualise and do things in the world. But the question still comes: what is it that motivates us to do something to make a difference in our lives.
In this shortcast, we explore how pain, values and meaning are the core seeds of motivation for change.
Life Passion & Business Podcast is about finding answers to life’s big questions through weekly interviews with guest speakers. The Shortcast is my ongoing commitment to staying interested and passionate about life with whatever is alive for me each week. Follow the links below to discover what else is on offer.
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There is a lot to gain from listening to other people’s stories. However, the real work begins by taking action in your own life. Now you’re here, please explore our Events and Resources pages to discover how Life Passion & Business can support you.
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- The Five Questions eBook
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Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
Mitchell Levy : Are you Credible?
Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
Wednesday Nov 15, 2023
Is your credibility important? You need to feel you are, but more importantly, Are you Credible? Because your potential clients need to believe it first. But how do we get there?
Our guest on the show this week is Mitchell Levy from Credibility Nation, and as you will hear, we both discovered and learned much from this conversation.
Mitchell Levy has had a long and classically successful business career, from banking to internet systems and more. He has several publishing companies supporting business leaders to write books and has written over 60 of his own. He has spoken at TEDx events and is an executive coach at Marshall Goldsmith’s 100 Coaches—an accomplished man.
In 2019, he was looking for a change and decided to follow Napoleon Hill’s steps. He set out to interview 500 executives on success and credibility. The findings from that research have changed his life.
He has discovered that how we do business has changed forever and will never go back. Credibility is key.
So join me in this conversation to explore Mittchel’s journey and discover some critical tools for your credibility.
My full introduction to this recording and social links are all available at:
Life Passion & Business is dedicated to exploring what it takes to be Extraordinary, to face challenges and rejoice in the opportunities they bring, and to expand our vision into new ways of thinking and living.
There is a lot to gain from listening to other people’s stories. However, the real work begins by taking action in your own life.
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Another way you can support the Life Passion & Business podcast is with small donations: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/lifeandpassion
Thursday Nov 09, 2023
Simon Jordan : Action and flow
Thursday Nov 09, 2023
Thursday Nov 09, 2023
I am taking a break from editing this week, but I will return with a new programme next week. In the meantime, I want to share with you a conversation recorded a couple of years ago at the event, reasons, and results. That event is still available, and there are some free tickets available—details at the end.
This conversation is about being in flow and taking aligned action. Simon Jordan was an old friend who passed away just 18 months after this show was recorded.
Being in flow with life is about taking aligned action; in my weekend show, we explored the idea of being in that flow and open to the opportunities that pass; it is about breathing into the space.
When I think of a guest demonstrating the process well, it had to be the late Simon Jordan; he died suddenly in December 2021. I made a tribute programme for him at the time.
Simon was a long-term online friend. I had known each other for ten years, yet as in common in the digital world, we never managed to meet in person.
Taking Aligned Action
Going back to my point about flow and aligned action. There is a view and narrative that you will crawl through the swamp to get to your goal if you want something enough. You will put your shoulder to the wheel of life and push until you get what you want.
I do not deny the idea’s validity, and sometimes, getting results requires this level of commitment and sacrifice.
However, at what personal cost do we ask ourselves if we want to pay that price? There was a time when I did the 7 am to 7 pm life. Did it get me anything? I thought it did, but it meant I ate late, watched too much TV and went to bed to do it all again the following morning.
In this show with Simon, we explore his journey from the ego-driven on-stage marketing professional whose life was falling apart to the free-flowing mountain climber, swimmer, adventurer and branding coach. At the time of recording, his life philosophy was about taking aligned action, simplicity and moving with the flow.
The conversation was taken from the event Reason and Results, in 2020. The detail of this and all of our past events can be found in the events tab above.
Life Passion & Business is dedicated to exploring what it takes to be Extraordinary, to face challenges and rejoice in the opportunities they bring, and to expand our vision into new ways of thinking and living.
There is a lot to gain from listening to other people’s stories. However, the real work begins by taking action in your own life.
For full details of Events, Resources and Services visit:
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Running a podcast is fun, but it takes time and dedication. Whenever you enjoy a podcast please share your appreciation with comments, likes, shares and reviews. It helps other listeners find good content and supports the content creators and their guests.
Another way you can support the Life Passion & Business podcast is with small donations: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/lifeandpassion
Sunday Nov 05, 2023
Shortcast Why Expectations Hurt
Sunday Nov 05, 2023
Sunday Nov 05, 2023
We all have them occasionally, so why do expectations hurt? Because most of the time, they are unrealistic, and we are attached to the outcome.
On the show today, we are exploring expectations, why the hurt when not met and how we can become less attached and free ourselves from the pain.
Today, I was running a 10k race, a real one that would give me an official time. Last year I ran this race About a month after I completed a marathon, and I achieved a time of 50 minutes and one second. it was very frustrating having just tipped over the 50 minutes.
There is a story here, but the long and short is when I booked this race, I had an expectation that I would train hard and reach my goal of a sub 49 minute 10K. But the training did not happen, and there I was at the start line and in my opinion, I was not ready for it.
However, it allowed me to release my expectations. I approached this race with the sense that if I could get under 55 minutes, I would be happy enough, but if I could actually get below 50 minutes, that would be an achievement. Did I achieve it? Actually, I was pleasantly surprised.
The point of this conversation today is that we are looking at expectations and why they trip us up. It is always about an attachment to the outcome. When the target becomes more important than the journey to get there, we make the target really important. That is when we open ourselves to the pain of failure.
The solution is smart goals that are a stretch but will fall back positions.
Check out the podcast and get in touch if you need support with your expectations.
Life Passion & Business Podcast is about finding answers to life’s big questions through weekly interviews with guest speakers. The Shortcast is my ongoing commitment to staying interested and passionate about life with whatever is alive for me each week. Follow the links below to discover what else is on offer.
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There is a lot to gain from listening to other people’s stories. However, the real work begins by taking action in your own life. Now you’re here, please explore our Events and Resources pages to discover how Life Passion & Business can support you.
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Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
Erin McCullough : Finding Your Joy
Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
Wednesday Nov 01, 2023
Taking an editing break while focusing on a new project this week, so as we all like to find a little joy in life, I thought to share this show from 2021, all about finding it for yourself.
Finding Your Joy explores thoughts, feelings and anxiety with today's guest, Erin McCullough. She reveals how finding joy is possible at any time and that we do not have to do anything to matter. We are always relevant, and our existence is enough.
Erin had no idea what to expect when she agreed to couples therapy. During the first session, she had an unexpected reaction, which the counsellor explained was a panic attack. She had never experienced a panic attack before, nor had she any awareness of her suppressed emotions.
“It was a defence mechanism not to feel the emotions of when I was a kid.”
Our conversation explores the life transitions that occurred for her through a near-fatal accident, divorce and meeting the man of her dreams on the first 'swipe-right'. It's also a story about the baggage we carry always, wherever we go.
Towards the end of the podcast, there is an exercise to explore and discover your own joy.
My full introduction to this recording, along with Erin’s website and social links are all available at:
Life Passion & Business is dedicated to exploring what it takes to be Extraordinary, to face challenges and rejoice in the opportunities they bring, and to expand our vision into new ways of thinking and living.
There is a lot to gain from listening to other people’s stories. However, the real work begins by taking action in your own life.
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Running a podcast is fun, but it takes time and dedication. Whenever you enjoy a podcast please share your appreciation with comments, likes, shares and reviews. It helps other listeners find good content and supports the content creators and their guests.
Another way you can support the Life Passion & Business podcast is with small donations: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/lifeandpassion
Sunday Oct 29, 2023
Shortcast : Perfection
Sunday Oct 29, 2023
Sunday Oct 29, 2023
Perfection is an ideal that can break the soul and spirit of the best of us; getting hooked into a perfectionist state can lead to all manner of self-depreciation.
On our show today, we are looking at the mindset of perfection how chasing perfectionism can lead to shame and a sense of failure.
Where did the need to be perfect come from? It may have been sports. Watching elite athletes, there is no doubt that they are looking for the perfect performance every time they step up to the line. But they train for this moment, and much of that moment’s performance is out of their control. Of course, only the winners are celebrated; they get to take it all.
One of the biggest factors in performance thinking is the comparison with others. That is with family, friends or work colleagues. Company culture can feed the peak performance narrative, as can social media.
Part of this conversation is looking at the success model and exploring strategies that can make us aware and tackle the self-deprecation caused by perfectionism.
Do you have any thoughts about chasing perfection?
Life Passion & Business Podcast is about finding answers to life’s big questions through weekly interviews with guest speakers. The Shortcast is my ongoing commitment to staying interested and passionate about life with whatever is alive for me each week. Follow the links below to discover what else is on offer.
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There is a lot to gain from listening to other people’s stories. However, the real work begins by taking action in your own life. Now you’re here, please explore our Events and Resources pages to discover how Life Passion & Business can support you.
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Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
Dr Michael Gerharz : Communicate with Clarity
Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
Wednesday Oct 25, 2023
How do we communicate with clarity? It is about using the right words at the right time to the right people. As a communicator, I am very aware of the power of my words. There have been times when I have used the wrong words and got into trouble.
Our interview is about the power of communication, and our guest on the show today is a master. It has become his mission to help leaders across the globe find the right words and make a bigger impact.
Dr Michael Gerharz was born in Near Koln in Germany. His first passion was music. The guitar became his instrument of choice, and as he progressed through education, he enjoyed jazz and studied classical music.
There came a decision point: music or follow his second love, computer science. It was the 90s, a time of unlimited opportunity in this new, exciting field.
After his degree, he became a researcher and programmer and got his Ph.D. in Communications Systems. He had arrived in the computer industry just as the internet became a thing and was there at the birth of mobile phones and networks.
The inability to communicate with clarity
Throughout his work in research, he became aware of how many brilliant ideas or projects failed because of the inability to communicate and use words well. That realisation has led to a whole new career as an author and a communications coach.
Our conversation is about his journey through music and computers. It is about the common thread that unites them.
Michael started his exploration of communication with a daily blog, now with over 800 posts. He is the author of the book “ Leaders Light the Path” and hosts the “Irresistible Communication“ podcast.
Further details about this podcast, along with my Guest’s website and social links, are all available at:
Life Passion & Business is dedicated to exploring what it takes to be Extraordinary, to face challenges and rejoice in the opportunities they bring, and to expand our vision into new ways of thinking and living.
There is a lot to gain from listening to other people’s stories, however, the real work begins by taking action in your own life.
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Running a podcast is fun, but it takes time and dedication. Whenever you enjoy a podcast please share your appreciation with comments, likes, shares and reviews. It helps other listeners find good content and supports the content creators and their guests.
Another way you can support the Life Passion & Business podcast is with small donations: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/lifeandpassion
Sunday Oct 22, 2023
Shortcast : Being Of Service
Sunday Oct 22, 2023
Sunday Oct 22, 2023
Being of service, what does that mean to you? How do you see service, is it like any other transaction or something more?
In the interview podcasts, one of the questions is about contribution both to the world and ourselves. Our contribution to the world is about making a difference, and for most people on the show, that is their life work; it’s what they do and get paid for. It is a service, but not necessarily “giving service”.
I am the same. I’m a coach, and when I produce podcasts, it is a service because I give freely, but at the same time, it’s about getting my name out of the world so that people like yourself know that I’m available to give you support. It is a contribution, but it is not about serving freely with no strings.
In this podcast, we consider being of service, and how we serve, the thinking behind it and how the world could be a better place if service were given without it being transactional.
Being of Service
On Friday, I saw a woman struggling to move a few tonnes of recently delivered firewood; she was rushing to get it under cover before the rain hit. I stopped what I was doing and took over the wheelbarrow so she could focus on the stacking. She was so grateful. “ Thank you so much; this is what real community is about”.
My wood carrying felt good to know that I had supported her to get the fuel moved and under cover before that rain hit, and it was a good move because, boy, not 30 minutes later, it rained hard and for hours and hours.
Back to the point, being of service is a beautiful gift, but when it comes with strings, it is no longer a gift of service.
Life Passion & Business Podcast is about finding answers to life’s big questions through weekly interviews with guest speakers. The Shortcast is my ongoing commitment to staying interested and passionate about life with whatever is alive for me each week. Follow the links below to discover what else is on offer.
Discover Life, Passion & Business:
There is a lot to gain from listening to other people’s stories. However, the real work begins by taking action in your own life. Now you’re here, please explore our Events and Resources pages to discover how Life Passion & Business can support you.
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- The Five Questions eBook
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Sunday Oct 15, 2023
Shortcast : Singing for hope
Sunday Oct 15, 2023
Sunday Oct 15, 2023
Singing for hope and freedom was fundamental for Black African-American slaves. It gave them the resilience they needed through the darkness and was the path to emancipation.
I was in a singing workshop on Sunday with Dr Kathy Bullock, a music professor, Gospel leader, singer, performer and teacher of music from the black traditions. Over the day, we explore the early spiritual music, the songs of slavery, Gospel and African rhythms.
She is a descendant of slavery; her great-grandfather was born a slave, so the history is very close.
It has been her mission for over 30 years to bring this music and the stories it contains out to the world. Full of passion and energy, she can hold a room with 100 people or more, teach them a piece in 4-part harmony and have them singing within minutes.
Singing for Hope
It was sad, reflective and uplifting as we sang the songs written by people experiencing and living the injustice and pain of slavery and ongoing repression. These songs are about singing for hope, but it is so much more than that. It was about creating a shared vision of a better life and making it an affirmation.
Singing together is a powerful experience, and living close to the Findhorn Foundation, I consider myself privileged to live in a community where singing together in harmonies is normal and world-renowned teachers and presenters come to share their wisdom and experience with us.
The day was about the power of shared music as a means of communication, an expression of faith and resilience. This conversation is my reflection on the day and on the power of singing together. On reflection, I can see that music could be one of the tools to transcend our differences.
Life Passion & Business Podcast is about finding answers to life’s big questions through weekly interviews with guest speakers. The Shortcast is my ongoing commitment to staying interested and passionate about life with whatever is alive for me each week. Follow the links below to discover what else is on offer.
Discover Life, Passion & Business:
There is a lot to gain from listening to other people’s stories. However, the real work begins by taking action in your own life. Now you’re here, please explore our Events and Resources pages to discover how Life Passion & Business can support you.
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- The Five Questions eBook
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Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
World Mental Health Day
Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
Wednesday Oct 11, 2023
World Mental Health Day is about raising awareness that the mind matters and that it is OK to ask for help. Much of my work is about how we take responsibility for who we are and how we present ourselves in the world.
Disclaimer: I am not a healthy professional. None of what I say should be taken as professional advice. Everything that I use or describe is based on my journey.
The most important thing I must say is If you need help, reach out and ASK.
Disclaimer aside, In this show, we explore some of the reasons why mental health is such a problem in modern living. It is the usual suspects: media, economics and money.
I was part of that world for long enough to know that the rules of the game are not about the mental health of the masses. But there are things that we can do to take care of our mental health, and that is routines and practices that support us.
In this show, we explore my path from what I would consider a low point in my life and look at the tools I used to pull myself out of my hole.
We are looking after each other.
A final note: while that day is about raising awareness, it is also about being aware of those around you. If you notice a friend or work colleague is different or quiet. Do check and ask if they are OK; reaching out can change someone’s life for the better.
Talking about this helps get people out of the cycle of the mind; getting them off the tape on repeat can make such a difference.
Here is the link to the UK site. I suggest a Google search in your location for more local resources.
Life Passion & Business is dedicated to exploring what it takes to be Extraordinary, to face challenges and rejoice in the opportunities they bring, and to expand our vision into new ways of thinking and living.
There is a lot to gain from listening to other people’s stories, however the real work begins by taking action in your own life.
For full details of Events, Resources and Services visit:
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Running a podcast is fun, but it takes time and dedication. Whenever you enjoy a podcast please share your appreciation with comments, likes, shares and reviews. It helps other listeners find good content and supports the content creators and their guests.
Another way you can support the Life Passion & Business podcast is with small donations: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/lifeandpassion
Sunday Oct 08, 2023
Shortcast : Write it or Lose it
Sunday Oct 08, 2023
Sunday Oct 08, 2023
Write it or lose it; what does that mean? In business, everything is recorded transactions, notes of meetings, etc. So why is it that in our personal life, we rarely write down our intentions?
There is a saying in business that unless something is measured, it is not managed. Without written intentions, goals or plans for our general life, we are not managing the path to them.
In this week’s shortcast, we’re exploring how the plasticity of our minds means unless we write something down, we lose it. So write it or lose it is the only way forward.
We briefly touch on journaling and secrets and gems you might find—goals, intentions, and why affirmations work.
All that is a very compact conversation
Life Passion & Business Podcast is about finding answers to life’s big questions through weekly interviews with guest speakers. The Shortcast is my ongoing commitment to staying interested and passionate about life with whatever is alive for me each week. Follow the links below to discover what else is on offer.
Discover Life, Passion & Business:
There is a lot to gain from listening to other people’s stories. However, the real work begins by taking action in your own life. Now you’re here, please explore our Events and Resources pages to discover how Life Passion & Business can support you.
Quick Links:-
- The Five Questions eBook
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Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
Steve Cook : Squeezing The Sponge
Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
Taking an editing break this week, here is a great conversation from July 22
Our conversation is slightly different this week as this story has no fall, crash or upheaval. However, it is about good communication and the search for meaning and purpose.
My guest is unusual in that he is younger than most. What makes him interesting is he is the third generation of a thriving family business. The transition between father and son was without drama.
Steve Cook was born in Oklahoma and has never left.
As a child, Steve mirrored his dad and wanted to be like him. As he went to college, his Dad became a restauranter, and steve followed that interest in his studies.
By the time Steve was leaving college, the family had sold the restaurant and bought into the family horse feed business.
On stepping out into the world of work, Steve considered various careers before entering the family business. There is a lot of potential baggage when it comes to working with family.
Our conversation is about his journey into the business, finding his feet up to the point where he took it over. The company is one of the largest feed suppliers in the USA, which is due to the successful working relationship between Steve and his father.
We take about his challenges and, of course, the usual five questions.
Steve did not say he was passionate about horse feed, but he is passionate about business and what it takes to run it well.
That is how we met as steve is the host of the Better Business Podcast and squeezing the sponge is his view on getting the most out of life.
Further details about this podcast along with my Guest’s website and social links are all available at:
Life Passion & Business is dedicated to exploring what it takes to be Extraordinary, to face challenges and rejoice in the opportunities they bring, and expand our vision into new ways of thinking and living.
There is a lot to gain from listening to other people’s stories, however the real work begins by taking action in your own life.
For full details of Events, Resources and Services visit:
Support For Podcasters:
Running a podcast is fun, but it takes time and dedication. Whenever you enjoy a podcast please share your appreciation with comments, likes, shares and reviews. It helps other listeners find good content and supports the content creators and their guests.
Another way you can support the Life Passion & Business podcast is with small donations: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/lifeandpassion
Sunday Oct 01, 2023
Shortcast : Catastrophising
Sunday Oct 01, 2023
Sunday Oct 01, 2023
Are you guilty of Catastrophising? We have all been there at some point; once started, it is a circle that becomes a downward spiral.
A client discussion prompted our topic this week. They are experiencing a financial gap, and it is not getting any smaller. I know it’s a problem that many people are finding where there is more month than money to go around.
Whether it was a bad day or a bad week, this particular conversation was spiralling down to the bottom of the swamp.
The problem was they had locked onto a train of thought, and the conversation was becoming tighter and tighter, about all the possible things going wrong had gone wrong this week and would go wrong next week.
I appreciate that this situation is complex and that many people are in similar problems. But what is very clear to me with a nod to Einstein.
We are never going to change a circumstance or a situation by using the same thinking that got us into that situation or circumstance.
Getting out of any fix will take fresh thinking, creative solutions and maybe even doing the unthinkable. When we Catastrophise, all of our resilience goes, and the mind locks onto the worst-case scenario.
What is needed is expansive thinking.
Some tools can help. I’ve spoken about living in the spiral many times and the work I do to keep myself moving upward. If I don’t do the work, I tend to slip downwards. So that means, for me, a daily practice, daily work on myself.
On this show, we explore the problem of catastrophising, my experience and the best solution to get out of that line of thinking.
Life Passion & Business Podcast is about finding answers to life’s big questions through weekly interviews with guest speakers. The Shortcast is my ongoing commitment to staying interested and passionate about life with whatever is alive for me each week. Follow the links below to discover what else is on offer.
Discover Life, Passion & Business:
There is a lot to gain from listening to other people’s stories. However, the real work begins by taking action in your own life. Now you’re here, please explore our Events and Resources pages to discover how Life Passion & Business can support you.
Quick Links:-
- The Five Questions eBook
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- Male Midlife Challenges
- Support the Podcast with BuyMeACoffee.com
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Thursday Sep 28, 2023
Dr Heather Browne : Trauma and Self-Love
Thursday Sep 28, 2023
Thursday Sep 28, 2023
Our conversation is about trauma and self-love; it is an extraordinary journey of survival and learning to love and heal herself.
Heather Browne had an odd but wonder-filled childhood. It was beautiful, creative and magical. When your coat is a polar bear that will keep you warm, it is both disturbing and incredible. She had no idea that her mother’s stories, creativity, and pretending to be different people came from schizophrenia. Or that it was unusual until that day her mother became Judy, the Babysitter while they were in the laundromat.
She was eight years old when life took a turn and suddenly not so wonderful. Heather witnessed and experienced abuse, trauma, alcoholism, and finally abandonment as she was disowned. leaving her dysfunctional family at 17, she went to New York and put herself through college.
While life had been tough, she had learned how to survive, function and act as if everything was normal. But on the inside, she was hollow out and unloved. She did a lot of churches and temples, looking for God, meaning and who she was.
Acting was her first choice of career, but she was guided to move away and help other people; it led her to train as a psychotherapist, and as she read the books to learn, she realised that she was the book.
“The only person you truly have is you; how do you love and take care of yourself.”
It is a story of trauma and self-love, learning to be loved and rebuilding and helping others do the same.
Over her 27-year career, Heather has worked with thousands of individuals and couples in psychotherapy. She has been published in hundreds of journals, has an active YouTube channel, has been featured on TV and media, and, as of last weekend, she is a TEDx speaker.
“We get one shot at being this human. Let’s make sure it is worth it.”
Further details about this podcast, along with my Guest’s website and social links, are all available at: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/dr-heather-brown-trauma-and-self-love/
Life Passion & Business is dedicated to exploring what it takes to be Extraordinary, to face challenges and rejoice in the opportunities they bring, and to expand our vision into new ways of thinking and living.
There is a lot to gain from listening to other people’s stories, however, the real work begins by taking action in your own life.
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