Sunday Jan 21, 2024
Shortcast : Self-talk
Sunday Jan 21, 2024
Sunday Jan 21, 2024
We all experience self-talk in one situation or another. Sometimes, it is easy to ignore; at other times, it is not. How do you counter your inner critic?
In this show, we explore self-talk and inner dialogues or narratives, where they come from and what strategies you can use to minimise the impact.
I am in week three of the money experiment last week I explored my inner GPS or compass. It is about being the observer in life and watching, seeing what feels light or dark. I noticed that I was crap-talking myself, and I thought I was past all that.
It is amazing how unkind we can be to ourselves, and we are often not even aware that we are doing it. Negative self-talk is the subconscious mind trying to protect us, using powerful characters from our past. It is looking for options to stop your progress as it perceives a threat.
My inner voice is often my own, but it can be my mother or other significant people from the last 50-plus years. While observing myself this week, I noticed that there is quite a narrative going on at different times. Some of it is positive, and sometimes it is just unhelpful.
In this show, we explore some of the solutions that I use to counter this inner critic. From simple mindful thinking to having a dialogue with the voice.
The bigger point here is awareness. When we are aware, we can take action and make a change. Part of the process this week was looking for lightness and fun, as that is where all sorts of magic can happen.
But first, we need to silence the decent.
Million Dollar Year Update
The seed for this show was my work on this experiment, the point is if you want more money in your life it means a change of thinking.
There is still time to join the experiment. You can find out more here on these podcasts, or go straight to the page using the link above or below.
There is still time to join the million-dollar year experiment; you can find the link below.
The experiment is a one-year program or container held by Joanna Hunter where we look at how it is possible to generate one million dollars in one year. Do check the previous two podcasts, where I explore the project.
The cost is just $25
To find out more about this program and how it could benefit you, check out the link The Million Dollar Experiment.
Life Passion & Business Podcast is about finding answers to life’s big questions through weekly interviews with guest speakers. The Shortcast is my ongoing commitment to staying inquisitive and passionate about life with whatever is alive for me each week. Follow the links below to discover what else is on offer.
The Five Questions eBook: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/the-five-questions
Focus Coaching: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/focus-coaching/
Support The Podcast:https://www.buymeacoffee.com/lifeandpassion
Midlife Survey: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/midlife-challenge/
Wednesday Jan 17, 2024
Jessica Coulthard : The Strategic Interventionist
Wednesday Jan 17, 2024
Wednesday Jan 17, 2024
With other projects taking priority over editing this week, I thought to share this recording from 2021. Jessica is bubbly and full of energy. It is a great show, and she poses some interesting questions about excuses...
The Money Experiment
I know I keep reminding you, but this stuff is more important than ever; I have done two shows with my thoughts: Money Bags and Thought and Money.
Check them out and or follow the money experiment link. it is about changing our relationship with the energy of money. That relationship with money is why lottery winners nearly always end up back where they started.
Promo Over Enjoy the show
Today my guest on the show is a fellow podcast host. Jessica Coulthard of the “Ignited Entrepreneurs Podcast” went all in recording and uploading more than 100 shows in just over a year. And get this, podcasting is her side hustle, she has a full-time role as a project coordinator.
Our conversation is a tale about the power of podcasting, coaching and personal development.
In 2015, Jessica had an epiphany; she realized she was writing down the same goals that she wrote down every January, and her life wasn’t changing. That moment was the moment of realizing that she was choosing to keep herself small, and it started her on the path to changing her life.
She discovered Jack Canfield’s book “The Success Principles™, and then it was time for the hard questions and her journey towards the life she wanted.
Our conversation is about Jessica’s journey of self-discovery, moving from a quiet introvert to becoming a woman with a voice of her own. It is about finding her place in the world and who she was here to serve.
In 2019, Jessica hosted a live event called “The Women Who Inspire Conference” 2019 and went on to become the host of the Ignited Entrepreneurs Podcast.
Jessica Coulthard defines herself as a Strategic Interventionist; she uses NLP techniques to dig deep into her clients’ unconscious and works with them to understand their driving needs, core values and motivations to facilitate rapid change!
Time Line
1.00 The day it all changed
2.00 asking tough questions
2.45 Jack Canfield Success Principles
3.00 what is stopping me
4.00 living with excuses
5.00 podcasting and networking
7.00 the power of win win win and the ease of the medium
10.00 The journey the day it changed
11.30 finding her niche, helping people to find their passion
12.00 The side hustle
12.45 The Women Who Inspire Conference 2019,
14. Role Models
17.30 not willing to give up
18.30 The Success Model
20.45 Contribution to the world
22.00 What surprises people about her
25.00 Owning who you are
27.00 being with people
30.00 Why are we here
I hope you enjoy this conversation with Jessica Coulthard. If you would like to get in touch with her you can find her on https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCU7IivRksg5K3GPmoCTqGvA
And through her social media links:
Sunday Jan 14, 2024
Shortcast : You Are Amazing
Sunday Jan 14, 2024
Sunday Jan 14, 2024
You are amazing; we all are. But more than that, you are amazing at something; we are talking about your superpower on this show.
Do you ever take the time to consider what you're good at because there is something in your life that you do now that where you are better than most. However, in our society, we encourage children and people in employment to get better at their weaknesses. We ask people to focus on the bit that makes their life suck so they can get better.
When I feel bad about something, it does not make me perform at my best.
My conversation today is about dropping our focus on our bad bits because they will never make us happy, and even if we were to try really hard, we would never get better than average.
In this podcast, I'm encouraging you to explore your superpowers and enjoy them, and when you are looking to explore something new or discover something new, go into it without an expectation to be good and do it for fun.
When there is fun, all sorts of magic can happen.
Million Dollar Year Update
If you want more money in your life, there is still time to join the experiment. You can find out more here on these podcasts.
There is still time to join the million-dollar year experiment; you can find the link below.
The experiment is a one-year program or container held by Joanna Hunter where we look at how it is possible to generate one million dollars in one year. Do check the previous two podcasts, where I explore the project.
The cost is just $25
To find out more about this program and how it could benefit you, check out the link The Million Dollar Experiment.
Life Passion & Business Podcast is about finding answers to life’s big questions through weekly interviews with guest speakers. The Shortcast is my ongoing commitment to staying inquisitive and passionate about life with whatever is alive for me each week. Follow the links below to discover what else is on offer.
The Five Questions eBook: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/the-five-questions
Focus Coaching: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/focus-coaching/
Support The Podcast:https://www.buymeacoffee.com/lifeandpassion
Midlife Survey: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/midlife-challenge/
Wednesday Jan 10, 2024
David Kitchen : The Leadership Edge
Wednesday Jan 10, 2024
Wednesday Jan 10, 2024
The leadership edge: Leadership is one of the vital human qualities that many say is missing in our modern world; what is the leadership edge, and how do we find it?
My guest, David Kitchen, found his leadership edge on the football field. David was born into a single-parent family in Berwick, Pennsylvania. It was a loving child with the usual frustrations and challenges of growing up that needed an outlet.
David was always a big lad, and that opened the door to American football, a perfect place to express his rage and passion for life. While in high school, he played well, and the scholarship offers came in, and there was every possibility that he would get to play professionally.
However, injury meant those offers did not happen. While David got a scholarship, coupled with his attitude, no professional career awaited him.
Our conversation is an insight into the game and what it is like to play at the level. Following university, a career in sales followed. It was lots of travelling and meeting people, it did not light the fire. David could not forget his love for football; he needed to get back in the game but from the other side.
He took an internship as a football coach, studied for the coach exams and at the age of 24, became the youngest coach at any university. It started a successful ten-year career, leading from the field. The key to David’s success is his vulnerability and willingness to share his mistakes and show how he overcame them. With his head coach leaving it was time to reflect on his future. Realising that his journey through coaching was the blueprint for successful leadership, he started a new business.
Today, David has successfully brought his skills from the football field into business and leadership. He is a published author, speaker and leadership coach.
The Million Dollar Experiment
There is still time; while the experiment has started, the option to join is still open, and it is only $25. Check out the show if you want to know why the price is so low.
click the link and join us on what will be a year of discovery.
Yes, this is an affiliate link, and I will earn $12.50; as a participant, you can also do the same.
Further details about this podcast along with my Guest’s website and social links are all available at:
Life Passion & Business is dedicated to exploring what it takes to be Extraordinary, to face challenges and rejoice in the opportunities they bring, and expand our vision into new ways of thinking and living.
There is a lot to gain from listening to other people’s stories, however the real work begins by taking action in your own life.
For full details of Events, Resources and Services visit:
Support For Podcasters:
Running a podcast is fun, but it takes time and dedication. Whenever you enjoy a podcast please share your appreciation with comments, likes, shares and reviews. It helps other listeners find good content and supports the content creators and their guests.
Another way you can support the Life Passion & Business podcast is with small donations: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/lifeandpassion
Sunday Jan 07, 2024
Shortcast : Intuition & Inspiration
Sunday Jan 07, 2024
Sunday Jan 07, 2024
Intuition and inspiration: where does that sit in your New Year’s resolutions, goals, or intentions that you set for 2024? There is so much pressure to set intentions or goals at the beginning of the year.
I suspect many people feel pressured into coming up with something, and it’s invariably dumped by the middle of January. Why is it so difficult to set a meaningful, achievable goal at this time of year?
In this podcast, we look at the idea that the best goals come from intuition. They come out of inspiration, and when those things are in alignment, it’s only a matter of doing.
Tomorrow is the 8th of Jan, and for many, it is the first full week back at work, last week was about going through the motions. Well, it was when I was in corporate. Actually, it was about preparing for a trip to Paris to look at Christmas Decorations. Yes, 20 years back, I finished Christmas only to go back to work and start looking at Christmas.
Thankfully, I have left Christmas decoration planning behind, but I still retain one discovery from that time. Kings Cake.
Kings Cake, Intuition and Inspiration.
In the Harvey House, Christmas ends on the 5th of January at King’s Night, where we have a King’s dinner to celebrate the end of the 12 days of Christmas and to explore intuition and wisdom for the coming year and eat Kings Cake.
Check out the show and hear the story of how I discovered King’s Cake. But more the point, today’s conversation is all about how we bring our intuition and inspiration into our lives to align with our goals and intentions. That is the path towards living a good life.
Million Dollar Year Update
If you have missed this conversation see these podcasts.
If you know there is still time to join the million-dollar year experiment, you can find the link below.
The experiment is a one-year program or container held by Joanna Hunter where we look at how it is possible to generate one million dollars in one year. Do check the previous two podcasts, where I explore the project. This week’s topic of conversation was about deserving. Do you feel you deserve it? That’s fascinating, isn’t it?
Because unless we feel that we can have a million, we never will. To find out more about this program and how it could benefit you check out the link The Million Dollar Experiement.
Life Passion & Business Podcast is about finding answers to life’s big questions through weekly interviews with guest speakers. The Shortcast is my ongoing commitment to staying inquisitive and passionate about life with whatever is alive for me each week. Follow the links below to discover what else is on offer
The Five Questions eBook: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/the-five-questions
Focus Coaching: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/focus-coaching/
Support The Podcast:https://www.buymeacoffee.com/lifeandpassion
Midlife Survey: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/midlife-challenge/
Wednesday Jan 03, 2024
Money Bags
Wednesday Jan 03, 2024
Wednesday Jan 03, 2024
Where do you keep your money bags? Well, what I really mean is, have you explored your money baggage? It has been said there was no shortage of money in the world for all that needed to be done. So why is it not done?
On this show, we are looking at money and the thinking around it. Did you know that money is not real? It is a thought that has become a universal agreement.
The majority of money is ones and zeros on a computer. We have all signed up for this thought experiment and created an economy around it. Money is a convenient tool to transfer energy and intention.
But with that thought experience comes a whole list of baggage. Money baggage: there is no shortage of money; there is, however, a gap in our realities around it., and that is what needs sorting.
On Tuesday, I caught the launch party for My Million Dollar Experiment with Joanna Hunter. She is a metaphysical practitioner and a very successful businesswoman.
Her current business is in the creation of conscious millionaires. As she says, what if there was no shortage of money in the world for all that needed to be done? We could solve climate change and educate and feed people.
How would it be possible to create conscious millionaires? That is where metaphysics comes in because it is about changing the mindset and moving the money baggage.
The launch party was for the Million Dollar Experiment, and the question is.
“Would it be possible for you to make $1,000,000 in the next 12 months? “
Before you disregard that statement, what thought came up for you? I imagine there was a whole list of ifs, buts and nos. It does for me.
My Million Dollar Experiment 2021 results
However, it has been done before. In 2021, Joanna ran that experiment with just over 4000 people, and 16 people declared they made the million. Another 3 kept it quiet. As a percentage, it is less than 0.5%. So, let us consider the numbers.
That 0.5% percentage is better than a lottery win.
How many people came close?
What changed in the lives of those involved?
I am delighted to participate in this experiment because, at the launch party, I could feel my triggers coming up; even creating this podcast and making the offer available to you has shown me that I have some work to do.
Is it Time to Find Your Money Bags?
There is still time; while the experiment has started, the option to join is still open, and it is only $25. Check out the show if you want to know why the price is so low.
click the link and join us on what will be a year of discovery.
Yes, this is an affiliate link, and I will earn $12.50, as a participant, you can also do the same.
Life Passion & Business is dedicated to exploring what it takes to be Extraordinary, to face challenges and rejoice in the opportunities they bring, and to expand our vision into new ways of thinking and living.
There is a lot to gain from listening to other people’s stories, however the real work begins by taking action in your own life.
For full details of Events, Resources and Services visit:
Sunday Dec 31, 2023
Money and thought or thought and money
Sunday Dec 31, 2023
Sunday Dec 31, 2023
Money and thought or thought and money, what comes first, the money or thinking about it? In this show, we are considering the energy of money.
Does money have energy? Not directly but money itself is the transfer of energy, which is the representation of energy being transferred from person to person. Before there was money, there was barter, and yet, in some way, we still experience the level of barter in our day-to-day interactions with people.
Many transactions in life are not fiscal, but they do serve us and bring us service or service to others.
Here is the link to the Million Dollar Experiment;
In this show, we are touching on the experiment that starts tomorrow, the first of January. Is it possible to create one million dollars or one million pounds in one year?
As I said in the last podcast on the subject, this is about expanding our consciousness so that we can become open to the possibility of generating this level of income, but there are so many little nuances to this, as you’ll hear on the podcast you know I am struggling to get my head around it.
The experiment is not my event; I am a participant in it, and I’d be delighted if you joined us. You can see the link below. It is an affiliate link because that’s how this process works, so do check it out.
But as I said last week, even if I aim for this number and hit a fraction of it, that is still a win, yet even that action itself demonstrates my limited thinking. So it is thought and money that comes first or thought and money?
Here is the link to the Million Dollar Experiment; there are only a few hours left for you to join in.
Other News for 2024
It is going to be a fascinating year with lots going on. I’m involved in a number of projects; there will be a new coaching program and a load of opportunities to explore what it means to lead a good life.
So like, follow and subscribe.
The Million Dollar Year
Life Passion & Business Podcast is about finding answers to life’s big questions through weekly interviews with guest speakers. The Shortcast is my ongoing commitment to staying interested and passionate about life with whatever is alive for me each week. Follow the links below to discover what else is on offer.
Discover Life, Passion & Business:
There is a lot to gain from listening to other people’s stories. However, the real work begins by taking action in your own life. Now you’re here, please explore our Events and Resources pages to discover how Life Passion & Business can support you.
Quick Links:-
- The Five Questions eBook
- Focus Coaching
- Male Midlife Challenges
- Support the Podcast with BuyMeACoffee.com
(or click on the cup for more info.)
Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
Ellice Whyte : Embracing Neurodiversity
Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
Embracing neurodiversity, we are all different, and there is no normal; every human is a mix of thoughts and feelings. But some in society struggle to fit in or keep up with what is expected of being normal. Thankfully, we are aware of terms like ADHD and other conditions, and yet we still live in a world where there is stigma associated with people who are different.
In our conversation today, we are looking at neurodivergence and how it is recognised and needs to be embraced.
My guest on the show is Ellice Whyte, a Consultant Business Psychologist who is neurodiverse with ADHD.
Elice started life with a passion for music, singing, and performing. She can pick up any musical instrument and has become proficient at many. Music was her happy place, allowing her to express feelings and move freely.
However, other aspects of education were not easy, and she struggled in some areas. At some point in her late teens, she developed an eating disorder. Upon finishing school, University was the plan, but she took a gap year to get some life experience in the world of work.
Returning to education, she played to her strengths and went for a music degree. However, in her second year at University, she took a module in music therapy, which changed her perspective and gave her a new direction. She moved toward psychology and helping people.
The Master lecture that changes everything
In her mid-20s, she was studying for her master’s, and it was while sitting in a lecture that she effectively diagnosed her neurodiverse condition.
“ I literally realised, “hmm I do a lot of these!””
This revelation deepened her interest in neurodiversity and fueled a passion for helping others understand their unique brain functionalities.
Funny enough, she is qualified today to identify and give people a neurodiverse diagnosis. But she is still waiting for the medical profession to confirm her own officially.
Our conversation is a discussion of what it means to be neurodivergent and how bullying in the workplace can go so wrong. We look at how you can identify your own condition and get access to testing, it is essential to know that support is out there.
Today, Ellice provides services as a business psychologist; her work revolves around applying psychological principles to enhance organisations’ health, productivity, and culture.
Further details about this podcast along with my guest’s website and social links, are all available at:
Life Passion & Business is dedicated to exploring what it takes to be Extraordinary, to face challenges and rejoice in the opportunities they bring, and to expand our vision into new ways of thinking and living.
There is a lot to gain from listening to other people’s stories, however the real work begins by taking action in your own life.
For full details of Events, Resources and Services visit:
Sunday Dec 17, 2023
The Million Dollar Year
Sunday Dec 17, 2023
Sunday Dec 17, 2023
Could you create a Million Dollar year? Is it possible to create that level of wealth in one year without stealing it or winning it? More the point would earning or getting $1 million or pounds in 2024 make you happy, more the point do you believe it is possible?
I ask the question because there is an experiment starting on the 1st of January The Million Dollar Year that might be of interest. There is a cost of entry at $25, and there is an opportunity to get that money back or even earn a commission before the project starts.
In this podcast, we are exploring the energy of money, our beliefs around it and how you might change it and become open to opportunity.
The Energy of Money
Money is one of those things in life where there is some duality. We all need it and accept that it’s important to us, but we are often reluctant to say how important it is. There is an energy of money, and it is wonderful when it’s abundant. However, when there is a lack of money in life, everything becomes more difficult.
So would a million dollars of pounds make me happy? Yes, of course it would. But so would 100k or 50K. All of these sums would open new doors and opportunities.
Given that we all would like to create some ease around income, how could we make it happen? One of the biggest blocks to creating more wealth is our mindset and how we are around the energy of money.
That energy is the balance between wanting, needing, receiving and giving. There is a flow when that balance is right; the money comes. We have had several speakers on the podcast that looked to explain the process.
It is often thought about as a bit woo-woo, with words like manifestation, abundance and the law of attraction. I realised some months back that vision boards, affirmations and business plans have much in common. They hold the goal within our attention, and where attention goes, the energy flows. It is where we take action.
Without action, nothing happens. It is very raw for someone to set an intention and dreaming of big money into existence; it's not impossible, but someone has to win the lottery when they buy a ticket.
The Million Dollar Year
I was talking about money with a very good friend of mine. Jane had just moved on from her current business and was looking into the world for what to do in the coming year. An invitation dropped into her inbox asking the question about A Million dollar Year ; the idea was so intriguing she signed up.
The event will be hosted by Joanna Hunter
She is a published author, Spiritual Life and Business Coach, and Lifelong student of Metaphysical Science, currently completing her doctorate in metaphysical science. Metaphysical science is a fascinating subject and worth a conversation, but not today.
In 2021, Joanna Hunter asked the question, could she help people create $1,000,000 in one year. She launched the experiment, and 4303 took part; 1 in every 287 hit the $ 1 million goal, and over 72% saw a positive change in their mindset around money.
Joanna is launching the event for 2024 and it starts on 1st January. It is about creating a mindset and taking action to get you where you want to be, and it is only $25 to take part.
When I read this, my critic jumped in, and I started doing the maths; 287 out of 4000 is only 15 people. But that is 15 new millionaires and much higher odds than winning the lottery.
I have joined up because I have money blocks just like everyone else, so if you want a change in 2024, join us and see what is possible.
The Million Dollar Experiment
Joanna’s programme features training a plan a tracking system and a support group.
I signed up last week, at $25 dollar as it is a no-brainer, plus everyone can be an affiliate on 50% commission. So if just two people from my audience join, I have covered my cost.
This is not a pyramid thing; it is just a tool to encourage everyone to share the opportunity, get more people involved, and change mindsets around money.
If you are curious, check out the details now. You can discover everything you need to know about Joanna Hunter and the event. What have you to lose? If it changes your money mindset, 2024 might become a very different year for you.
Warning: As with all of these things, there is no guarantee; it will not be a free ride, and there will be work to do; but just like the lottery, unless you buy a ticket, it is very hard to win.
I really hope you join us in the experiment; who knows what is possible.
The Million Dollar Year
Life Passion & Business Podcast is about finding answers to life’s big questions through weekly interviews with guest speakers. The Shortcast is my ongoing commitment to staying interested and passionate about life with whatever is alive for me each week. Follow the links below to discover what else is on offer.
Discover Life, Passion & Business:
There is a lot to gain from listening to other people’s stories. However, the real work begins by taking action in your own life. Now you’re here, please explore our Events and Resources pages to discover how Life Passion & Business can support you.
Quick Links:-
- The Five Questions eBook
- Focus Coaching
- Male Midlife Challenges
- Support the Podcast with BuyMeACoffee.com
(or click on the cup for more info.)
Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
Jordan Tait : Freedom Seeker
Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
Wednesday Dec 13, 2023
Could you be a freedom seeker? But what is freedom, and how do you find what you truly want? Our guest on the show is a man who set out in life to find out what it was he wanted before committing to a path.
Jordan Tait was born in Canada. His father was a carpenter, and the perfect role model to show that building or fixing anything is possible.
On leaving the university after studying geography, Jordon followed the practical side of life and started a painting business with a difference. It was just about making and saving every dollar for six months until he hit a target. The business would go on hold while he travelled.
The Freedom Seeker
Over five years, he visited over 40 countries, living the backpacking lifestyle. He learned so much on his travels and was different every time he returned home.
By his mid-20s, the idea of being a painter for life did not fit with his dreams or who he had become. However, a coaching opportunity appeared where he could coach people to start their own painting business, and that was much more interesting.
It opened the door to scratch the travel itch as he travelled all over the US and Canada. It is interesting how travelling for yourself feeds the soul, but lots of travelling for work every week eventually leads to burning out.
Now, with a life partner, they both decided to quit their jobs and travel to Australia. The timing was just before COVID… and Australia’s tough initial reaction; the closing of the country worked in their favour and led to them discovering how they wanted to live when they returned to Canada.
Ever the freedom seeker, on returning to Canada he bought a 21ft school bus and converted it into a camper and continued his exploration of the wild places in his home country.
It is a lovely story and shows how purposeful intention is the path to build the life you want. Jordan is all about personal development and continuing his exploration of life and it opportunities.its
Today, Jordan runs his own consulting business; he calls himself a business and lifestyle coach who helps underpaid and overworked owners grow their income while working fewer hours.
Further details about this podcast, along with my Guest’s website and social links, are all available at:
Life Passion & Business is dedicated to exploring what it takes to be Extraordinary, to face challenges and rejoice in the opportunities they bring, and to expand our vision into new ways of thinking and living.
There is a lot to gain from listening to other people’s stories. However, the real work begins by taking action in your own life.
For full details of Events, Resources and Services, visit:
Sunday Dec 10, 2023
Shortcast : Slow Down
Sunday Dec 10, 2023
Sunday Dec 10, 2023
Slow down and take some time for yourself. The power of slowing down is life-changing, for me this conversation about slowing down is fundamental to who we are as human beings.
In this show, we look at the power of slowing down
During the interview podcast, we talk about contribution and how we contribute to ourselves. We live this life for ourselves although we do things for other people, it is about us our life journey and our experience. We can only discover this stuff by asking the right questions and giving space to hear the answers.
So much of the time we spend either looking forward or looking backwards, I have been here. The action of living in the moment is about slowing down to appreciate what we have, finding a moment of grace, a time just to breathe and be.
It’s no wonder that the world is fascinated by mindfulness, meditation, and yoga, and these internal practices are so popular. It is because we are crying out to discover how to put something back into our lives.
That something is most probably meaning, but that is another conversation.
When we take a moment to slow down and connect with who we are and understand what we want in this moment, it connects us to the bigger picture.
Check out the podcast and see how taking time to slow down might be just what you need.
Life Passion & Business Podcast is about finding answers to life’s big questions through weekly interviews with guest speakers. The Shortcast is my ongoing commitment to staying interested and passionate about life with whatever is alive for me each week. Follow the links below to discover what else is on offer.
Discover Life, Passion & Business:
There is a lot to gain from listening to other people’s stories. However, the real work begins by taking action in your own life. Now you’re here, please explore our Events and Resources pages to discover how Life Passion & Business can support you.
Quick Links:-
- The Five Questions eBook
- Focus Coaching
- Male Midlife Challenges
- Support the Podcast with BuyMeACoffee.com
(or click on the cup for more info.)
Wednesday Dec 06, 2023
Olly Hermon-Taylor : Building A Life To Love
Wednesday Dec 06, 2023
Wednesday Dec 06, 2023
I am travelling this week, so I thought to share a show from last year with Olly Herman-Taylor.
The show is about brand building, entrepreneurship, holistic marketing, health and fitness and living a life that feeds us. It is a deep conversation about the world in which we live, how to find your story and the path towards your best life.
Images, shapes, and forms have always inspired Olly Herman-Taylor. While at school, he discovered a passion for design and spent his days doodling, creating logos, and drawing.
At college, he got a degree in English; on leaving, he went into the building industry, working on-site in the family business. Carrying bricks up and down ladders made him strong and fit, giving him an appreciation for movement and using his body.
But the inspiration to design was calling; it was music or clothes; feeling he might be tone deaf he chose clothes.
Olly started a t-shirt design business producing and selling shirts on the London street markets. But T-shirts would never make him rich, so he looked to his other passion, snowboarding.
Coming up with a unique design for a snowboarding jacket, he located a company that agreed to produce them if he could sell 500 jackets. He returned with an order for 5000, and his business was born.
He was just 23 and starting a business with no plan, which worked.
For seven years, he did some fantastic stuff, creating a lifestyle business and taking it to over a million pounds, but that journey involved compromise, and it stopped feeding his soul. Now, with a young family, he sold the brand and took time to be with his kids and consider his next steps.
He transitioned to Health and Fitness and set about creating a natural fitness brand, and this time, life did not roll so easy seven years later. He was depressed, in debt and unhappy.
Our conversation is about his journey out of the hole he had created. He discovered the darker sides of marketing in the fitness industry. As mentioned, it is a deep conversation about this world and what the system will do to us when we allow it.
Today, Olly Herman-Taylor calls himself a Bio Hacker and high-performance coach. He helps entrepreneurs upgrade their mindset, transform their health, uncover their purpose and create a life they love. He also hosts the Torchbearer™ podcast and is co-founder of Rare Partners, a story-based communication agency.
Further details about this podcast, along with my Guest’s website and social links, are all available at:
Life Passion & Business is dedicated to exploring what it takes to be Extraordinary, to face challenges and rejoice in the opportunities they bring, and to expand our vision into new ways of thinking and living.
There is a lot to gain from listening to other people’s stories. However, the real work begins by taking action in your own life.
For full details of Events, Resources and Services, visit:
Sunday Dec 03, 2023
Shortcast : It is all for You.
Sunday Dec 03, 2023
Sunday Dec 03, 2023
It is all for you. What I mean by this is everything that unfolds in front of you is for you, and that is the journey of life. It is a simple thought that can change your life.
In the show, we are exploring some of the quotations around this point and looking at how you embrace the idea so that you can have a better journey.
“Life is simple. Everything happens for you, not to you. Everything happens at exactly the right moment, neither too soon nor too late. You don’t have to like it… it’s just easier if you do.” Byron Katie
“Life doesn’t happen to you, it happens for you.” Jim Carrey
There are thousands of comments and quotes like this, and they all stem from the Buddhist idea that life is suffering and our only option is acceptance and non-attachment. I appreciate that when the sh1T is hitting the fan, such comments and quotes are not always helpful.
In this show, we explore the thinking behind the idea that life happens for you and why it is important to use that mindset because it opens the opportunity for resilience, new experiences and growth.
Going into the hole of the world is out to get me never leads anywhere good.
Check out the show and see how that simple thought can change your life.
Life Passion & Business Podcast is about finding answers to life’s big questions through weekly interviews with guest speakers. The Shortcast is my ongoing commitment to staying interested and passionate about life with whatever is alive for me each week. Follow the links below to discover what else is on offer.
Discover Life, Passion & Business:
There is a lot to gain from listening to other people’s stories. However, the real work begins by taking action in your own life. Now you’re here, please explore our Events and Resources pages to discover how Life Passion & Business can support you.
Quick Links:-
- The Five Questions eBook
- Focus Coaching
- Male Midlife Challenges
- Support the Podcast with BuyMeACoffee.com
(or click on the cup for more info.)
Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
Joshua Lisec : The Ghostwriter
Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
Ghostwriting is the skill of making the words of others sound good and interesting enough to keep people reading. Our Guest on the show is a professional ghostwriter with over 80 books to his credit. Plus, a few of his own.
Joshua Lisec has become so well-known for his skill at bringing these books together that his name often appears on the cover.
Born in the USA, Joshua’s early life was unusual as he was home-schooled. It is more common now, but 30 years ago, it was rare. His education was unstructured and self-guided. Part of it was reading every page of the 1976 bicentennial edition of the Encyclopedia Americana.
His unschooling gave him a general knowledge base on just about everything. It did not stop him from continuing into university, where he got hooked on academic life and collected 3 degrees, one of them in business.
However, by his own admission, he left the university with no usable skills. He got a job in the telecommunication industry, working on standard operating systems and procedures.
The process taught him how to analyse systems and became the foundation of his work with entrepreneurs as the ghostwriter of their books.
While working on the SOP project, he had the sense that it would not be a career, but that was confirmed by his supervisor, who said, “Your skillset is bigger than this job; you should be a professional writer.
Professional Writing
Taking her at her word, that is what he did, writing several fiction novels. That was 11 years ago, and he has been a professional writer ever since.
Our conversation is about his journey into becoming a ghostwriter and how his work has shifted out of the shadows, where clients ask him to collaborate with them and have his name on the cover.
We touch on how AI will impact writing and the industry’s future. Apparently, it is easy to detect, and there are some positive benefits.
Further details about this podcast, along with my Guest’s website and social links, are all available at:
Life Passion & Business is dedicated to exploring what it takes to be Extraordinary, to face challenges and rejoice in the opportunities they bring, and to expand our vision into new ways of thinking and living.
There is a lot to gain from listening to other people’s stories, however the real work begins by taking action in your own life.
For full details of Events, Resources and Services visit:
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Sunday Nov 26, 2023
Shortcast : Tomorrow Will Do
Sunday Nov 26, 2023
Sunday Nov 26, 2023
I am currently visiting my son and recorded this show outside, so the audio quality, will be a little different, and there will be birds and traffic.
Our subjective today is thanks to Russell Dalglish, who posted a question on Linkedin “If not now, then when?” For me, tomorrow will do is right up there with don’t do today what you can put off until tomorrow.
I have my own painful procrastination experience this weekend. I got a parking ticket but how is that relevant?
Procrastination is the art of not making choices. Why are we so bad at making choices? Actually, some people are very good, and they are the people who get loads of stuff done. Russel, for example, has his own system.
But what is it that separates them from everyone else?
People like Russell have discovered the system that works for them, a means to overcome the fear of choices and attachment to outcomes.
On this show, you will discover the tools I use on myself and with clients to get us through the indecision and into the place of making a firm choice.
The point is most of the time, there is only one choice or realistically there no choice just the option we like the least.
Life Passion & Business Podcast is about finding answers to life’s big questions through weekly interviews with guest speakers. The Shortcast is my ongoing commitment to staying interested and passionate about life with whatever is alive for me each week. Follow the links below to discover what else is on offer.
Discover Life, Passion & Business:
There is a lot to gain from listening to other people’s stories. However, the real work begins by taking action in your own life. Now you’re here, please explore our Events and Resources pages to discover how Life Passion & Business can support you.
Quick Links:-
- The Five Questions eBook
- Focus Coaching
- Male Midlife Challenges
- Support the Podcast with BuyMeACoffee.com
(or click on the cup for more info.)