Saturday Sep 08, 2018
LP&B 36 Anne Clarke, What Else is Possible?
Saturday Sep 08, 2018
Saturday Sep 08, 2018
Anne Clarke is a facilitator for Access Consciousness and if you have not had your bars run you are missing out. But first, let's talk about my news. I have decided to test my passion with running, I have entered into the Loch Ness 10K road race. I've never done road racing before, and I only started road running in April.
If you want to know more about my running adventure check out the podcast "The spud with legs". I still don't understand why I've entered the race because I don't need to run 10K to prove I can. But it seemed like the thing to do, and I my race number arrived morning.
In other news
I put a request this week in one of my facebook groups for ladies to step forward for the podcast. It was one of the odd things I discovered when I put out invites for people to come on to the show is that. The gentlemen stepped forward without much of a do, or concern. The ladies are a bit more introspective and have to think about it.
Having put out the challenge I have had a fantastic response, as someone pointed out I was not asking the right ladies. I now have interviews booked with some tremendous women starting next week.
Speaking of fantastic women Anne Clarke, now I mention this on last week's show that I had got lost in her voice and the story, it ran over an hour. The plan was to cut it down into bite-sized chunks, tried I can't do it; it's not possible. I listened to it through, and I was captivated as before didn't stop the programme. So I will cut in half and publish it in two parts.
I know someone my podcast do run to an hour, but the extra 15 minutes is a little long.
On to the show, when I first considered the podcast, Anne was at the top of the list of women. I have to admit I was curious and wanted to know the story. I've known her for probably 5 or 6 years our children went to the same school. I was involved as a trustee at the time, and Anne was one of the parents that made a significant contribution in the various conversations that we had around the school and events.
She was a mother with young children, and I saw her in that context. Then a little later I saw a photograph taken at an event and the difference in her was unbelievable, something had shifted. Over that last few years, I've seen her on different stages and platforms around the world.
She is a facilitator for Access Consciousness, and that journey has revolutionised her life. However, she was avoiding my invitations to speak until I met her in Tesco and convinced her to take part. Her condition was that we have our chat face to face, on my sofa.
I hope you enjoy part one of this a conversation as much as I did
Wednesday Aug 29, 2018
LP&B 35 Guy & Ilan - Progress Without Goals
Wednesday Aug 29, 2018
Wednesday Aug 29, 2018
The Ferdman Brothers. Progress Without Goals
Guy & Ilan Ferdman[/caption]
I am really excited about this program because it was such a fantastic conversation, I know all my conversations a fantastic but this was unique for me as these guys are brothers. I have never done a podcast with two people before and it was a really interesting dynamic. Technology is amazing, given that they are on opposite sides of the USA and I am in Scotland.
listening to Ilan and Guy Fredman talk about their life and their business, they are right out there at the cutting edge of human endeavour. They work with entrepreneurs. People who have made their money and are shocked to discover that the answer they are looking for is not there.
The brothers walk their talk, they have spent the last 15 years and over a million dollars in experiences that enhance and expand the mind. With all of that time and money, they discovered that the heart is your life’s true master. They demonstrate how living a heart centred life can radically change how you achieve stuff faster than ever, and with the least amount of work. Their work is dedicated to the awakening of people to live as their own, personal legend.
Their journey is an interesting story and they are still exploring
Tuesday Aug 14, 2018
LP&B 34 Jane Duncan Rodgers Life and Death Coach
Tuesday Aug 14, 2018
Tuesday Aug 14, 2018
This week's on life passion and business as we have a new website with fresh graphics and a new sound to the podcast.
All this is out to reflect the change that has come about in the podcast over the few weeks. I have said this before; I started this as a reflective journey discovering what this thing we called life is all about.
But having been on that journey, it is now time to start giving back and sharing what I have learnt in the process.
So I hope you like the new layout and will continue to support us in this journey of discovery.
My guest this week is unusual, the subject my push a few buttons
Jane Duncan Rogers is a life and death coach; I will let Jane explain more about what that means on the podcast.
But in essence, Jane had a journey which involved the loss of her partner and that process of supporting him to his passing created a shift in her thinking. A book was the result of that journey
It was the tools and preparation that eased Philip's passing. Losing a partner, a parent or friends is never easy. Preparing for that inevitable event is something that we all struggle to hold. But going through that process of preparation with an end of life plan is a liberating process.
It allows for the discovery of what you or your partners wants and what's important. That's what we are about at life fashion and business.
I appreciate and understand where Jane is coming from; there is liberation to be found when we embrace the fact that life is short.
This podcast is about Jane story it's about that journey that she went on with her partner Philip, and it's about what came out of it, and it's about how you too can discover what it is about yourself that makes his life so valuable.
I hope you enjoy the conversation with Jane Duncan Rogers.
Wednesday Aug 01, 2018
LPB 33: What is Passion and Excitement are they Same or Different
Wednesday Aug 01, 2018
Wednesday Aug 01, 2018
The podcast today is different I thought to test the radio format and put together segments to create a show. I have to say it is more difficult than it looks. It has given me a new appreciation for radio producer.
So join me on my outside broadcast during an early morning walk. The topic today is the connection between excitement and passion, first, you will have my experience of both and then we explore the conversation with Lisa Avery.
Also during the programme, there is early notice for a 5-day challenge created by Lisa using the tools of positive physiology. The challenge will take you from your current state and vision and show the potential of a new vision for yourself. It is a journey and you can find out more about it in the podcast. If you want to skip forward you will find it at 9 minutes.
The problem with being outside is you have to speak to people when they pass and there are distractions, It was early in the morning when I decided to make this recording. Walking by a small burn the sun was filtering through the trees and in the field opposite were horses. It was an amazing little scene that took my breath away and was photo worthy. As I said being outside is distracting taking the photo took my mind off the conversation and how to use the voice recorder...
Next week I'm returning to the interview format and they'll be a guest interview with someone who is very much involved in the exploration of people's passion, that I should be available next Tuesday
As for future interviews were lining up with some interesting people. I would like to have a more feminine perspective on the podcast. So far I have noticed that it's the bold American men that step forward. "yeah I'll be on your show". The women and are less assertive, hopefully, I will change that in the next few weeks and we'll get some ladies to tell us their side of the story.
That's it for now.
I hope you enjoy the show and I will catch you soon.
If you would like to know more about the five-day challenge that is coming up please put your details in the box below and we will let you know as soon as it becomes available.
Wednesday Jul 25, 2018
LP&B 32 Paul Harvey A Spud with Legs to Running 10K
Wednesday Jul 25, 2018
Wednesday Jul 25, 2018
In this short programme, we explore more of my journeys and how running like a spud with legs changed into running 10K. It has opened my mind to the possibility of change. I also cover what is coming on the podcast in the next few months.
I'm back I'm back at my desk with my fantastic microphone, it is to travel and nice to be home.
Of course, travel broadens the mind and I've been travelling to Essex and all places south for most this year. That has lead to my challenges with the podcast.
Technology continues to frustrate I had a guest lined up today, and we were having a conversation but our systems were not compatible. The sound quality was full of crackles and noise and not good enough for broadcast.
So we have rescheduled.
But that gives me the opportunity to speak to you guys and take the opportunity to tell you more about what is coming in the podcast in the next few months.
I started this podcast as a reaction to the death of my father. He kind of withdrawing from life his circle of activity got smaller and smaller. I noticed that I had started had started to do the same. I was looking at the world from a perspective of what it is it all for.
It is this programme and the amazing guests that appeared to answer the big life questions about life, passion about the meaning
I discovered from all those different conversations was that
life actually has no meaning other than which you give it
How does that feel for you?
Tuesday Jul 10, 2018
Tuesday Jul 10, 2018
Another week another Podcast. Is interesting how a lot of my friends live the laptop lifestyle. It seems so easy to travel the world and run a business from a rucksack. I know that is not a reality, it is a hard choice. I have not left the UK and it is such a challenge to maintain a good connection. With much of life now in the cloud, no wifi means no nothing. Even with a connection, there are limits trying to record podcasts with guests when the Wi-Fi is unreliable is frustrating.
So I find myself another week without a Podcast. The guests were lined up but the internet made it impossible to have those conversations. But maybe this is a good thing, as I get to tell more of my journey with this project. On this show, we explore where I am at with my passion and where I am taking it.
The truth is we are at the turning point. I am currently going through a rebranding exercise for life pension and business. An exercise that will see a lot of change. There will still be the interviews but there will be more.
The key point is I have stopped searching for answers because they do not exist outside of me or you. My goal is for you to discover your journey, define success for yourself. Find the source of your passion and the meaning of life for you.
Wednesday Jul 04, 2018
LP&B 30: Paul Harvey: Success is a Picture in the Mind.
Wednesday Jul 04, 2018
Wednesday Jul 04, 2018
Today we are looking at "Success". But first I need to recognise that this is a milestone programme.
Welcome to episode 30 of The life Passion and Business Podcast. They say if you get through 10 programmes you are probably in it for the long run. So that's a good sign.
I want to honour my quests as this would not be possible without them. I think solo shows are tough to keep going. But guests bring a new dimension and energy that keep the show rolling.
Back to our subject for today's show. There is no guest
I have been travelling, and schedules did not come to pass, so I decided that this was the universe telling me the episode 30 was a good time to chat.
As you know, I started This podcast with the view of discovering more about the mysteries and vagaries of life. It has fulfilled that need, I have found out a lot about myself and the people to whom I have spoken.
The most significant realisation and one thing that is absolutely clear. There is no purpose rhyme or reason or meaning to this life other than that which you give it. That could be a bitter pill to take for some.
That said if it is our purpose is to find our own meaning then these questions that I am asking people are critical. We must all ask them ourselves, and of those we love.
Success can be a measure of credibility, and we do attach words and meaning. For example, a businessman with the trappings of success will be deemed as somewhat of an authority in the subject to which they made their money.
To be fair on some level that's true but the question today we are going to discuss is what it's success outside of the myth we were sold. Because success has many meanings there are many routes to that meaning, it is a picture in the mind, and we don't all share the same image.
So here is my view of success as I understand it. Having followed the route of the 30 podcast. I think I am successful by my measurements not by anybody else's because from my perspective there was only one measurement and that is where the life meets the vision that you are holding for it.
I hope you enjoy the conversation and I would love to hear your comments on the facebook group.
Friday Jun 29, 2018
Epi 29 What is Authenticity with Paul Harvey and Lisa Avery
Friday Jun 29, 2018
Friday Jun 29, 2018
What is authenticity and what does it mean to be yourself? Why is this important for emotional, psychological and even physical health?
Should we try to be ourselves at work? Should our work and identity stay separate or should they perfectly entwine?
Are we happier when bringing our full selves to work? If so, what are the first steps to take and what is the path to finding a deeper sense of meaning, purpose and happiness in our work and lives?
In this episode Lisa and I continue on our quest for self-discovery and growth, endeavouring to answer age-old questions with the latest research from positive psychology.
We'd love to have you as travel companions, so please come along for the ride here:
Wednesday Jun 27, 2018
Ep28: Kevin Breeding The Entrepreneur's Mentor, Author, and Speaker
Wednesday Jun 27, 2018
Wednesday Jun 27, 2018
My guest on the show today was scheduled weeks back, however, due to numerous issues at both ends, it was postponed until now. But that is the thing I notice the right guest seems to show up at the right time.
In every podcast, there is always an open question when I asked Kevin his answer almost encapsulated my new thinking and purpose for this project. Listen to this man; people pay him a lot of money to be coached or hear him speak. None of it is rocket science, but like any worthwhile journey, it takes effort and commitment to do the process.
Kevin started out in the corporate world and served 25 years in marketing, advertising, in senior-level positions with some of the largest brands in the world. Household name Walmart, American Airlines and BMW
Currently, he is an entrepreneur's mentor and coach, consultant, author, and speaker. The path chose him, but I am jumping ahead of the story.
Kevin's life blew up with divorce and bankruptcy within a few months of each other. It was his journey out of the dark place that gave him the tools to feel good about himself.
Using his experience as the model and his corporate experience Kevin became an executive coach. Since then he has worked in 53 countries and currently serving clients on five continents, Kevin dives deep to uncover roadblocks, operational inefficiencies, and leadership needs.
There is a lot of value here, I hope you enjoy the conversation with Kevin Breeding.
Friday Jun 22, 2018
LP&B 27: Work and Vocation with Paul Harvey and Lisa Avery
Friday Jun 22, 2018
Friday Jun 22, 2018
On this podcast, we are looking at the difference between work and vocation. So when you hear the word "vocation" what does it mean to you?
For me, it brings up images of nurses doctors, police officers or firefighters. These are the roles that are considered beneficial to society and more than a job.
Looking at the word in the dictionary, and we find the following.
A strong feeling of suitability for a particular career or occupation, a person's employment or main occupation.
It can also be described as.
Vocation work or an activity regarded as worthy and requiring dedication, a trade or profession.
It is all about the meaning we give to our work or pastimes. In this programme, we will look at vocation, and how finding yours will impact on your life.
It doesn't necessarily mean the work that you do. However, we spend so much time working it would be good to find a role that feeds us
Vocation could just as easily be a hobby or volunteering in your community something that you enjoy outside of the work environment.
It is time to explore
Wednesday Jun 20, 2018
Episode 26: Frankie Fihn Speaker, Entrepreneur and Master of the Mystical Arts
Wednesday Jun 20, 2018
Wednesday Jun 20, 2018
I am always looking for entertaining guests and spend much of my time exploring LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. However, sometimes people approach me, and that's how it was with Frankie Fihn.
We met on Facebook; he is a marketing connection. While I did not know his full story, there was something in what he was saying that caught my interest. Like many of my connection, he seemed to have the ideal life of travel and exotic location.
I went straight into this recording without any preconception, and I have to say it may trigger you as it touches on the use of an illegal substance Ayahuasca. Full disclaimer here as this is by no means an advocation of its use. However, it is a fascinating story.
Frankie Fihn is outwardly successful, he is a well-known speaker, entrepreneur and by his description a Master of the Mystical Arts. He operates a coaching and consulting business for lawyers and builds creative marketing systems. He has a laptop lifestyle allowing him to travel and experience the world with his partner.
However, since his exploration of life through Ayahuasca he looks at the worlds through a different lens. He calls himself a shaman in his coaching uses intuition and vibration to work with people on a different level.
The entrepreneurial life is held up like a chalice, and in reality, it is difficult. Frankie helps his clients express and release fears, frustration and self-sabotage. He helps them to bring more colour, vibrancy and meaningful connections in their lives, all while increasing their business and personal freedom.
It was a great conversation as you will hear Frankie had a real perspective on the big questions of success, passion, and the meaning of life.
I hope you enjoy the conversation with Frankie Fihn
Tuesday Jun 12, 2018
Episode 25: Geoff Burch, Hells Angel, Business Guru and Truffle Hunter
Tuesday Jun 12, 2018
Tuesday Jun 12, 2018
My guest on the show is Geoff Burch; I had seen Geoff speak at a business event some years back. I sent him my usual guest request email, and unusually he picked up the phone and called me to say. “ Yes, let’s do it always up for mischief.”
The following ten-minute conversation had me crying with laughter. If that happened in the program, I had wondered how I would hold it all together. There was nothing to worry about Geoff was a great guest, and the show is worth a listen.
Geoff Burch is a best-selling author with six books to his name; he is a business guru and a successful speaker.
He started his working life driving bulldozers, went to art college in a terylene suit, became a hells angel and at some point, stared to buy and sell businesses. He owned a scrap yard, a paper mill and a haulage company to name but a few.
By his admission, he is the original cynic calling himself a “miserable bastard”. In truth, he is a natural storyteller, and the cynic is part of the story. His skill is the ability to create humour from any situation even his near-death through open heart surgery.
He can take a serious business message and delivery it using memorable stories and characters. It has led to a radio shows and television appearances, books, conference keynotes and after dinner speaking.
Geoff is naturally funny and cannot help but make jokes. During our conversation, we hear him describe his journey as a happy accident. How he met his wife. We get the answer to those big questions and how he survived the last year leading to surgery, which nearly killed him. He also reminds us that he still wears the secret Hells Angel ring.
I hope you enjoy the conversation with Geoff Burch
Friday Jun 08, 2018
Episode 24 Growth, Change and Dreams
Friday Jun 08, 2018
Friday Jun 08, 2018
What does it mean to grow, and why is growth the only route to happiness, meaning and success? But to grow, we have to change. That is something most people fear. It's scary and can be painful. But why is it so frightening? What can we do to overcome that fear and pursue our dreams? And what if we don't have a dream? How can we get clarity and create a compelling vision? Are we more motivated to pursue pleasure or avoid pain?
In this podcast Lisa and I use positive psychology and our personal experience as we take the next step on our journey to becoming our best possible selves and creating work, relationships and a life aligned with our authentic selves.
Tuesday Jun 05, 2018
Episode 23 Dorota Owen the Teacher, Facilitator, Speaker and Leader
Tuesday Jun 05, 2018
Tuesday Jun 05, 2018
My guest on the programme is Dorota Owen she is an inspiring leader and equally at home speaking to a conference, delivering a keynote or teaching a class of teenagers. She is a teacher, and that is her first love, the inspiration of people, and there is no better place to start than in schools and with children.
I had known Dorota since I move to Scotland 14 years ago when she welcomed my family as we met her through schools and other groups. I will always remember her capacity to lift a room as she entered. I got to know her better as a Toastmaster. It was there I saw her leadership capacity and watched her skills develop taking on more prominent roles in the environmental movements and sustainability.
Dorota is still a teacher, facilitator, speaker and leader and while teaching is her first love, she also likes to travel. So she chooses to mix it up by travelling speaking and teaching.
I have not seen here much in recent years, as our kids have grown and she travels a lot.
This interview was the result of a chance meeting, and between trips, I hope you enjoy the conversation.
Saturday Jun 02, 2018
Episode 22: What is Happiness? with Paul Harvey and Lisa Avery
Saturday Jun 02, 2018
Saturday Jun 02, 2018
Welcome to the first podcast in the series that is about bridging or crossing the gap between you and the big life questions. We are starting big, going for broke and looking for an answer to the question that everyone wants.
Happiness. You have got to be happy. Are you happy? Happy birthday.
There are so many happiness references in society, and society assumes all things should lead to this end. This word is so powerful it was even included in the USA constitution. It is something we all seek and there are so many roadblocks and life situations that get in the way.
So what is it about?
In this show Lisa and I explore happiness through a positive psychology lens, using a framework which goes by the acronym PERMA.
There is more to happiness than you think, and the good news is that are measures we can take to boost our sense of happiness and meaning.
This show was recorded using the Facebook live platform. You can attend the live shows or watch the videos in the facebook group. Life Passion and Business. Please click the link and join the group. In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the show
The next LPB show will be an interview recorded live face to face on my sofa with an amazing women. But more about that on Tuesday 5th June.