Thursday Dec 27, 2018
LP& B 49 Patty Lennon Fifty Speaking Gigs
Thursday Dec 27, 2018
Thursday Dec 27, 2018
Patty Lennon Fifty Speaking Gigs in Fifty Weeks
Welcome to the programme in what is Christmas week 2018. My guest on the show 49 is Patty Lennon, her mission is to bring back the soul into the business world.
Patty is a business coach, keynote speaker and author. She is a woman that inspires people in business to lead and sell with passion and purpose.
But first, advanced notice and a technical apology
On New Year's day, I will be releasing the 50th show, and it is all about vision and goals. But not in the way that you think. In that programme, I will be speaking with Simon Jordon and Suzy Beaumont. Both past guests with visionary projects that are unfolding in a very different way.
So please subscribe to the podcast in your app so as not to miss this important show.
The Technical Bit
Patty Lennon and I met up and recorded this interview via the zoom app at the beginning of December. Patty had said at the time she was getting some interference on the line, little did I know that zoom had selected the wrong microphone.
Sadly my audio quality has suffered despite post-processing. At times my voice will be hard to hear. That aside Patty is coming through loud and clear, what she has to say worth a listen.
So tell me, Do you want more speaking Gigs?
On the show, we talk about the challenge of getting 50 speaking gigs in 50 weeks. Patty has a competitive nature, so accepting the challenge was exciting, it was not so easy when her mother a relapse need treatment for cancer.
We talk about authenticity about being real and in the moment and presenting that emotion on stage is both a powerful and memorable experience for the audience.
Patty believes that businesses must be more than a way to make money, they must contribute to our fellow humans. She is committed to helping her fellow entrepreneurs learn to grow their businesses from a place of love rather than fear and experience the true power, prosperity and peace that arises when they do.
She mentions her faith in Jesus, her interest in other theology and how these work for her. If that bothers you, please see beyond, because this conversation is valuable.
I hope you enjoy the conversation here is Patty Lennon Fifty Speaking Gigs in Fifty Weeks
As mentioned above next week is the 50th programme, it will be live on New Years Day. ( UK time ) To celebrate, I have invited back a couple of past guests, both with visionary projects.
Simon Jordon and Suzy Beaumont
The topic is BIG Vision and how to approach vision in a way that has nothing to do with hustle and grind.
Subscribe to the show and you will not miss it.
It only remains for me to say thank you for listening and I will catch you next time.
Can you Keep us flying
2018 has been an amazing year of growth for the podcast. I want to thank you for listening I appreciate your time and attention. If you enjoy the programme and would like to write a review, Itunes is the best place click here
If you have questions or comments or would like to be a guest. Use the podcast app to comment or reach out to me on Facebook or LinkedIn. I am easy to find.
Also if you would like to be a guest on this show, do you know someone with a good story? Check out the guest page and lets talk.
Friday Dec 21, 2018
LP&B 48 Damien Fogg Retired Early at 32
Friday Dec 21, 2018
Friday Dec 21, 2018
Damien Fogg is a full-time Investor. He has titles such as Chartered Surveyor, Mortgage Broker, Financial Adviser, Property Developer, Landlord, Trader... plus a few more.
But Damien is unique in my guest profile because he is not driven by passion or by having a strong "WHY". That has not stopped him from building a life that some might envy.
To put it all into a context, he has been involved in most kind of investing over the years. Before his retirement, he had over £2.2 billion worth of developments under his belt.
It was other people money, and it allowed him to build up a passive income. Retirement came early at just 32, clearly, somewhere along the way he figured out a system that worked for him.
Now his mission is to help other people gain more time and reduce their stress by managing their finances and investing in their long-term future.
Some people struggle as they travel this life, they find it hard looking for meaning or reason for it all. I would put myself in that boat, and say it is an ongoing quest for me.
Thankfully for this podcast helps, it has given me focus and direction, and it is opening so many doors. but enough of my journey.
Back to Damien, he has created a life that works for him by making simple choices. He decides what he wants his day to look like and works for there.
I hope you enjoy the conversation with Damien Fogg.
Wednesday Dec 12, 2018
LP&B 47 Gemma Ray Word Wizardry & Self Discipline
Wednesday Dec 12, 2018
Wednesday Dec 12, 2018
Don't miss the Kindle offer on the book Self Discipline it expires Dec 13th
My guest on today's show is Gemma Ray she is a lifelong performer and creative writer she's been writing since she was 7 years old
Her career path was from the civil service to radio, starting as the traffic tart, ( Yes traffic tart was her job title on the contract.) Her current business role is a communications coach, as she supports clients to communicate on all levels and through any medium
She draws on her past experience as a radio presenter, vocalist, actress, public speaker and event hosting. She transfers these skills to clients through media coaching. Gemma works with a number of business owners, influencers and career climbers to increase confidence, improve storytelling.
As ever we are here to talk about the person and not the career. Gemma has just become a published author and is a story worth sharing
Gemma had a successful, she knew her life looked good on the outside but was not working on the inside.
The road to self-discovery and a reconciliation with herself also lead to a breakdown. In her process of recovery came the idea or the possibility of writing a book was born.
That books sat in her mind for quite a while before it actually hit the page
It would not have seen the light of day without a friend pushing her to get it done. " do it now" Within the space of just one hour it was mapped out and the first chapter written.
The book is called Self Discipline, It is a "How-To Guide to Stop Procrastination and Achieve Your Goals in 10 Steps. "
There is a Kindle offer on this book now until 13th Dec so buy it now.
See here https://amzn.to/2ErgRsf
This interview is the real story behind the book, what it feels like to publish and promote your own work. Running naked with no knickers and unshaven legs apparently...
It addresses the big issues around getting stuff done, we touch on some of the tools and tricks in the podcast. We also talk about mental health, the wellness spiral and all of my usual questions of life passion success and purpose
Gemma is a natural speaker and this is a fun lively journey about real life while living in a caravan...
I hope you enjoy the conversation with Gemma Ray
Tuesday Dec 04, 2018
LP&B 46 Shay Rowbottom Viral Video & Content Queen
Tuesday Dec 04, 2018
Tuesday Dec 04, 2018
Shay Rowbottom Viral Video & Content Queen
Shay is the Chief Operating Officer and co-founder of Margle Media. It is a very official corporate title possible why it is abbreviated to COO.
Margle Media is a social media marketing startup based in Milwaukee. They specialise in viral video creation. The company distribute around 2,000 videos per month and now averages over 1 billion monthly views on their content.
A billion is a staggering number of social media views and shows what is possible with creativity and know-how.
But LP&B is not about me getting geeky on the marketing stuff. It is about the people behind the project and what drives them.
Regular Linkedin Contributor
Shey started to appear in my Linkedin feed about three months ago. It was her videos that impressed me.
She's a regular contributor to the LinkedIn platform and makes videos on a weekly basis. But these videos are nothing to do with her business.
The videos are about life; they're about how she feels about things, they are about depression they are about the touchy-feely subjects. All the things that humans know about, but don't necessarily want to talk about...
I was inspired to reach out to her because she is so raw and real in these videos. I wondered what that was about and where that was coming from and how she finds it so easy to express it publicly.
Shay Rowbottom Viral Video & Content Queen
Shay dropped out of college to pursue a music career, but after years struggling to make it, she became dissatisfied and was looking for a change
An opportunity arrived to learn viral video editing for a large blog on Facebook; it is where she met her life and business partner Luke Marlow.
Together they started Margle Media from the bedroom at home in downtown Milwaukee in spring 2016. Since then it has scaled. It now employs over 30 people and services companies such as Nuts.com, Yahoo, Petco and MGM.
They provide social media marketing campaigns and daily video content for social media pages. As said above they distribute around 2,000 videos per month and get an average of 1 Billion views per month on their content.
Shay is a product of the internet generation; she exudes confidence and yet there is a vulnerability. Where does that come from? What is it that is driving this young woman to create video and be out there doing what she does?
I hope you enjoy the conversation with Shay Rowbottom viral video maker and content queen
Can you help to keep this Podcast flying
We are seeing amazing growth on the podcast over the last months. I want to thank you for listening I appreciate your time and attention. If you enjoy the programme and would like to write a review, Itunes is the best place click here
If you have questions or comments or would like to be a guest. Use the podcast app to comment or reach out to me on Facebook or LinkedIn. I am easy to find.
Also if you would like to be a guest on this show, do you know someone with a good story? Check out the guest page and lets talk.
Sunday Dec 02, 2018
Short Casts With Paul Harvey- Morning Routines.
Sunday Dec 02, 2018
Sunday Dec 02, 2018
This will be a part of this series of short podcasts, it will be mostly m, sometimes I may ask a guest to share their wisdom. The idea they will be short. and hence called "Shorts"
This is all about me taking the opportunity to share daily routines of my life, the things that work, the things that I'm doing that might help you. let's start a dialogue about this if you resonate with these discussions reach out and let's hear your experience.
I am going to start with morning routines
We all have one, even if it is just tumble out of bed pile into the shower wash the night away, raise the rest of the family get kids to school and get to the day job without having a major mishap.
As entrepreneurs, we have a different relationship with our day. It is not the same as people working for companies ie with a boss. But as an entrepreneur where there is nobody chasing your ass, it requires a different mindset.
I am the boss of my time I am totally responsible for my day.
What I discovered over the last few years is that if I want to have a good day I have got a start it right. I've got to be getting to bed at the right time having had enough sleep. I have to start the day with a routine that means I am winning even before I turn on the computer or pick up the phone.
This podcast is about my different routines and what is working for me now.
Friday Nov 23, 2018
LP&B 45 Colette Mason The Book Coach
Friday Nov 23, 2018
Friday Nov 23, 2018
Colette Mason the Book Coach, she is a facilitator of books. Have you considered writing a business book?
Many people dream of writing a book, A Memoir, a fiction piece or a business book. With all of our modern technology, it has never been easier to become a published author.
The number of books published every year continues to rise. Book sales it the UK in 2017 was £5.7 billion. Even with our electronic readers, the popularity of the printed word shows no sign of diminishing.
I have to admit I have a few kindle books, but I cannot enjoy them in the same as a physical book. There is a sense of pleasure to be found looking up from my desk to see books on the shelf.
With books are more abundant than ever, has it changed our view of authorship?
No. The people that have written a book have a certain status, the book gives them a credibility in their field that is difficult to match.
She is a master at in the world of business books, but More about Colette Mason the book Coach in a moment
Routines and Processes
I like to use these section of the podcast intro to exploring what I am up to. Over the last few weeks, I have been talking about morning routines. So I decided to take the time and create some additional shows or shorts to share my thoughts with you.
These will start next and will be part of a series podcasts in addition to the weekly show. The first few will be routines, exercise maybe food or business, who knows where it will lead.
Let's talk about books
Colette Mason the book Coach
She has created a formula that will help anyone with some good ideas to create a book. It has been tested and the process and helped ten authors write and publish best-selling books.
Since creating her programme, it has been instrumental in over 3000 titles for different corporate entrepreneurs.
Her journey starts in the corporate world. For many years she was trusted to produce and publish information for the UK Government and big global corporations. There was a high-profile element to this work – knowing millions of people are reading what they produced. It was quite a buzz. But apart from the occasional public inquiry report, the authors never got the credit.
The information was always attributed to an organisation or a department, and never those who spent time at the coal face researching and writing it!
So she jumped ship to set up her own publishing company and set about writing a book. Colette completed her first draft in just 14 days, from where she had it edited and had eventually published.
She wondered what it would do. What followed was an invitation to speak at a conference in Cern Geneva, she got asked to do workshops in Africa and contracting gigs in Australia. She appeared on the radio, in articles in newspapers and magazines. The book open doors that she did not know existed.
Colette is all about process and about efficiency. I hope you enjoy the conversation with Colette Mason.
Colette Mason the book Coach.
Colette is active on social media, Facebook and LinkedIn. You can find her website and the book writing process at letstellyourstory.com
Let’s Keep this Podcast flying
We are experiencing amazing growth on the podcast over the last few months. I want to thank you for listening I appreciate your time and attention. If you enjoy the programme and would like to write a review, Itunes is the best place click here
If you have questions or comments or would like to be a guest. Use the podcast app to comment or reach out to me on Facebook or LinkedIn. I am easy to find.
Also if you would like to be a guest on this show, do you know someone with a good story? Check out the guest page and lets talk.
Friday Nov 16, 2018
LP&B 44 Tega Diegbe The Digital Fixer Doing Cool Stuff
Friday Nov 16, 2018
Friday Nov 16, 2018
Tega Diegbe is a digital fixer who likes doing cool stuff with cool people.
My guests on this show is a quiet man some might say a dark horse. His name is Tega Diegbe, and he is the right-hand man (for want of a better word) to Dan Meredith, the owner of the internet group coffee with Dan. It is the largest free entrepreneurs group in the UK.
Tega is the tech guy who makes it happen, he is an introvert, and for as long as I have known him is happy to work behind the scenes.
I was delighted when he said yes to coming on the show. Because I know there's a lot of people that want to hear about this wise man.
But first I have a discovery to share with you. It is a free tool that I know you will find useful.
Why we do what we do? If you're a long-term listener to this podcast, you know that I am exploring this question regularly.
I want to know why we are driven to do the things that we do and I ask my guests those very question ongoing. What it is the keeps us moving forward in a chosen direction.
Clearly, for some people life works, they move forward with a flow that is almost magical. I have to say to some extent my life is in a good place, much of that is thanks to this podcast and all of the fantastic things it brings to me.
From my conversations and to some extent personal discovery, I recognise the importance of alignment with our true nature. That is the compass or diviner the thing that is guiding us to explore our life purpose.
If our daily activity or our life journey runs contrary to that compass in some way, then there's going to be pain and discomfort on the path. My sense of it the pain is there to push back on to the road.
When there is a mismatch between life path and reality, or our vision and expectation, it takes a toll on our wellbeing. I am sure we all react differently, for some it will be stress for others it will be depression. It may come out as anger.
In my case, it was low-grade depression. I would call it an absence of happiness.
So how do you find out your path
In reality, you probably know what that path is it's just you can't see it or maybe don't want to recognise it.
The good news is I have discovered a tool that will change that.
I listen to a lot of podcasts, they are part of my exercise routine so if I'm running or at the gym. I will have the earphone in, and there are few programmes inspire me.
The Good Life Project with Jonathon fields, he's got a fabulous New York accent and gentle voice that I can listen to all day.
He is a yoga teacher, and he runs retreats and so much more. He has been looking at the question of critical drivers for years. Jonathan has been involved in positive psychology and various kind of practices and has been able to identify ten driving ideas.
He has called them spark E types and created the website called Sparketype.com where you can do a test and find out who you are.
I am the advisor and the Sage. My role and purpose is the coach advisor mentor. That is so true; I do it everywhere I go. I am always looking to support people in their chosen direction. The Sage is my ability to remember and capture information that I use to help people on their journey.
Everyone I know that's done this test so far has come up with results that fitted who they were. For me, it has settled my questions, and I am not going to fight it.
I've been so inspired by the Sparky type test that I am compelled to tell you about it. Please do the test and find that positive affirmation in your life.
The detail will be on the site
Let's get back to my guests Tega Diegbe. I've known Tega since 2014 we are the online friends in a few groups. We have met both online and in person.
He does not say much, but when he does speak, it will be insightful and right to the point.
On the podcast, we talked his ability to see things clearly and how he brings that into his work. He is a systems man, a digital marketer and his superpower is helping entrepreneurs strategically monetise their business.
In his own words, he is a chilled out dude, practising stoic and fanatical learning. He lives in Newcastle Upon Tyne with a menagerie of tech toys, and he lives by the S.P.I.C.E of life whether running his business helping entrepreneurs strategically monetize their business or taking the field playing American football.
Friday Nov 09, 2018
LP&B 43 Tom Marchbanks International Super Networker
Friday Nov 09, 2018
Friday Nov 09, 2018
Tom Marchbanks is a super networker in fact he's was government sponsored networker. Interesting
Welcome to the program in my search for guests for this show I have noticed there are clusters or camps of different types of business in the world. There is big business that is the household names the companies that cross international boundaries and then there are the big national companies. The mindset is different for all.
The majority of people on the show over the last few months have been from one camp. They are solo entrepreneurs, finding their way in the world and totally reliant on the internet and the connectivity that we all take for granted.
But it wasn't always like that and in some parts of the world, the physical meeting is still the key. There's this area of business that is huge and it is the realm of the national and multinational. But it needs governments and people to unlock it and guide the process. I'm talking about International Development.
Government Negotiations
This is the trade delegation business, this is where a government set up teams of Fixers. People that will manage every aspect of the process. It all starts at the top with politics where a country is looking for a trade deal.
It is people like Tom and his team who are in on the conversations from the beginning. They support the negotiations and at the end, they are there supporting companies getting the contracts and doing the business.
Networking is Networking
It is networking, but this is far removed from my business experience. Most of my connections are solo entrepreneurs, we are OK at the networking, some struggle with the face to face stuff. That is because in the digital world we use social platforms to break the ice and start the process.
But that is the point, to build the network means to build a relationship with someone, it means to make a connection. I tell clients all the time they have got to know, like and trust you before the business can happen.
However, put that into a different culture, where religion, customs, weather and politics all play their part and it is a different story. It is people like Tom that specialise in this kind of relationship building.
Tom Marchbanks International Super Networker
[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="410"] (L) Tom Marchbanks (R) Steve Forsyth from Workstreme[/caption]
Tom has been a civil servant most of his life he's worked for the Scottish and UK governments, he has been based overseas in places like India China and more recently the Middle East. This interview is an insight his world but as with all of my conversations, I am more interested in the man and not the job. This is an interesting time for our conversation as time sets out on a new career as an independent trade and investment advisor.
I hope you enjoy the conversation with Tom Marchbanks
I want to thank you for listening I appreciate your time. Every week we are seeing new listeners and that is down you sharing and liking these programmes.
If you have questions or comments or would like to be a guest. Use the podcast app or reach out to me on Facebook or LinkedIn. I am easy to find.
Could you be guest on this show, do you know someone with a good story? Check out the guest page and lets talk.
Tuesday Oct 30, 2018
LP&B 42 Ana Wilson The Business Doula
Tuesday Oct 30, 2018
Tuesday Oct 30, 2018
My guess on this weeks programme is probably in fact definitely the youngest person I've ever had on his podcast. She is 24, but I am not going to hold that against her. She's a young entrepreneur who has always been self-employed ever since she left full-time education.
Ana Wilson The Business Doula
Anastasia Wilison (I am sure she will hate for that, but that is a name of distinction) Ana has a good sense of where she's going and what life is about, and apart from few side jobs, she has always been the entrepreneur.
Like a lot of my guests, we are Facebook connections. While I did not know here well before the conversation, but there was something in her posts and our interaction and kept my interest.
The main point of this interview for me is that it was interesting to talk to someone who is in the early years of their business life.
It let me explore this with you a little. When I was Ana's age, I worked for a company. I had absolutely no focus or interesting, it was a job that kept my Fridays apart. I had little expectation for it or where my life was going.
Like many of my contemporaries, we were directionless at that age. Just waiting for an opportunity to drop in our laps.
Generation Z
Ana is from the beginning of generation Z she grew up with the internet social media. The availability of knowledge and ideas. I think that has been the driving of change in our society. It has made it possible for young people to start a business and make a difference in the world
You can discover everything on youtube, so the possibility of finding inspiration is not down to the luck of the right teachers or moving in the right social networks. Motivation is open to us all with a few clicks or swipes of a screen.
There have to be the right social conditions, and you must be ready to receive what you are looking for.
But It is so refreshing to meet a young business owner, with the knowledge and awareness that has taken me years to obtain.
I am talking about the skills of mindset and health and what it takes to be and survive as an Entrepreneur.
It is all about mindset
Ana is very candid we explore my usual question, and I think she is still looking. Never the less she shared essential insights as we talked about mindset and mental health and how affects her life if not managed.
I feel privileged that Ann took time out to speak with the old guy and explore my dumbass questions.
We live in both challenging and exciting times. If Ana is anything to go by we are in good hands. Because she represents the progression of society, it was very refreshing to me to meet someone so young who has the knowledge and drive and passion for what they do and is doing it.
I only wish that I could have been that focus at that age, how might life have turned out differently. But then we would not be having this conversation so no regrets..,
I hope you enjoy the conversation with Ana Wilson
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Sunday Oct 21, 2018
LP&B 41 Monique Nelson Become happier and healthier with food.
Sunday Oct 21, 2018
Sunday Oct 21, 2018
On the show today I have Monique Nelson she is a certified health coach. The programme is about food.
My food-related guest is timely, and you may have noticed in last week's programme. I have become a bit of a food forager. I mentioned my success with fungi and the abundance of apples. Did you check-in with the neighbour I can assure you they have more apples than they know how to use.
This week I noticed the acorns littering the ground during my forest run. Of course, they are squirrel food, but they are edible if the tannin is leeched out. The tannin makes them bitter and will upset the stomach.
Leeched nuts can be roasted and eaten like chestnuts, or ground to make a coffee substitute ( caffeine free). Or the raw nuts ground into a flour for cakes and biscuits.
Following a bit of experimenting, I now know why most of the Acorns in the UK stay on the ground. There is not a lot to be said for roasted acorns they taste of nothing.
A Glimpse of the Bloody Obvious
I guess this is what you could call a glimpse of the bloody obvious.
Because if acorns were good to eat, as children, we would have been collecting them. Then parents would have prepared and roasted them for the family.
That does not happen because acorns are best as food for the squirrels.
However, it was a useful exercise, an exploration of free food. To be fair on further reading, the best nuts come from the right tree as some taste better than others.
Monique Nelson
That brings me to today's guest Monique Nelson; she is Canadian currently living all over the world. I met her last year on a mastermind weekend in Brighton.
Following the mastermind, she committed to change and move forward. In June 2017 she left the stable corporate life in Canada. It was time to travel and to explore her interest in health and nutrition.
Professional House and Pet Sitter
Having sold her home and leaving Canada, she became a professional house and pet sitter. That means travelling and staying in peoples homes and looking after pets while they are away.
Yes, that really is possible.
As well as house sitting in the spring 2018 Monique completed her training and qualified as an IN certified Health Coach. Currently, she does a little one on one coaching as travel allows and is in the process of creating online programmes for people to improve their diet and health.
Here mission is to help people become happier, and thereby healthier, no matter where they are in life, or whatever difficulties may be. Much of that will be accomplished with better food.
This a gentle conversation with a gentle soul changing the world through better eating.
Monday Oct 15, 2018
LP&B 40: Paul Harvey Life Passion and Business 40th Show
Monday Oct 15, 2018
Monday Oct 15, 2018
It's amazing that "Life Passion and Business" the podcast has reached 40 episodes. WOW! For something that was born without a plan, this is an achievement. There needs to be some recognition but what do you do?
I will come back to that in a moment. let's explore something unrelated but relevant to one of my passions, food and Autumn abundance
I Enjoy Free Wild Food
My running has given me an awareness of the changing seasons and with that the locations of productive trees and plants all over the town. Last weekend saw me collecting a range of fungi. If you are tempted, get advice and take care. It is worth the trouble, Ceps ( Pic), and Boletus make for good eating.
The last few weeks have seen the abundance of fruit trees mainly apples and pears. It was no surprise to read that the commercial UK apple harvest has topped 160,000 tonnes. I suspect if we add in domestic gardens that hot summer has produced over 500,000 tonnes of Fruit in the UK.
While running, I have been watching the fruit on the trees ripen. As we moved into Autumn, that fruit has been dropping and much of it is just left to rot. So it goes without saying; we are appreciating and enjoying the bounty. Photos on the Facebook page.
So if you have friends with apple trees, offer to take some off their hands they will be grateful.
My wild food adventures are not on the podcast, but I thought to share it as another one of those passions.
Back to the 40th Episode of Life Passion and Business
How do you recognise the 40th episode? It's not quite the milestone of 50, but it it is a line in the sand. My mother used to say. "Life begins at 40." But I actually think life begins at 50, but then I'm 50 plus so I would say that.
On thinking about how to celebrate I knew I did not want to do a usual interview. Then I had the idea of allowing myself to be interviewed. Scary. I have shared much of my life on the show and spoken about many things, but I've never actually talked about my life in depth for the programme. I had a chat with Lisa Avery, and she was keen to turn the table.
Lisa Avery
In case you have forgotten Lisa was an early podcast guest and is now a collaborator for an online programme. It is a work in progress, and we will be telling you more about it soon.
The recording was on zoom so that Lisa wave at me to stop me ranting and it all went well. I could tell that Lisa was delighted to put me on the spot and to be honest, I enjoyed the attention.
We covered my story of the podcast, and some of my experiences leading up to its creation, like many of my shows is an opportunity to explore the journey of another human being. This time it was me.
The experience has opened my thinking around the structure of the show. We will see where that takes us.
So here it is episode 40 of
life Passion and Business
Thursday Oct 04, 2018
LP&B 39 Maria McHale: It's all about the Story
Thursday Oct 04, 2018
Thursday Oct 04, 2018
It's all about the story. On the show today is one of the fantastic women that stepped forward when I put out my last guest appeal. Maria McHale is an old-school journalist, a magazine owner and now communications consultant.
There is no sex in this weeks programme. Sorry, I am playing with last weeks tease as there was no sex in that programme either.
This interview is the story of a Galway girl who left Ireland for the bright lights of London. But first, let's talk about
Nerf Gun Darts
My big revelation the week is a nerf gun dart when fired has no momentum but travels a long way.
What I have noticed on my new life journey is how I am open to more joy and happiness. Because of that, I can experience more joy and happiness. That means saying yes if it feels right.
I am a digital marketer by day, I sort out digital sales strategies, the google and facebook things. I take away the digital marketing problems for people, so they don't need to be a techie.
Just because I work on a computer does not stop me saying yes to other stuff, especially if it brings me joy.
Now I am very practical and love a challenge. So when a client asked about creating a unique trade stand for a show, I had to say yes. I could see a lot of fun in the doing.
The client wanted some interaction with the show visitors, a discussion point. So we decided a little shooting game with flashing lights using a nerf gun. Well with much playing, I discovered that while nerf darts will travel far they have no momentum.
This surprising fact will be a joy to the ears of mothers across the world. But it does mean hitting targets and making lights flash was going to be more challenging.
It was a fun few hours messing with bits of tin can, wires and a soldering iron.
I wonder what joys I will discover this week if I keep saying YES.
Future Guests
This podcast while young is growing. I am continually looking for new guest with interesting. But I thought to throw the question over to you. Who would you like me to interview?
Answers on the Facebook page, please?
On with the Show and let's meet our guest.
Maria McHale and its all about the story
Before the call, I had not spoken to Maria, but like a lot of my guests, I have followed her social media journey as we move in similar circles.
She is an award-winning blogger, journalist and communications consultant. She is old-school magazine trained, a real journalist.
At some point, she started a magazine and then started another, then sold them both. Stories are her thing, and over the last twenty years she has help companies, and entrepreneurs show up in life and online as their brightest and most authentic selves.
She helps entrepreneurs build an enduring online and offline following, helping them connect with and build a tribe of dream clients and help grow a financially successful business.
She loves the quote "great stories happen to those who can tell them”, and believes we all need to dig deep and allow ourselves to share our stories- that process makes us human and helps us develop meaningful connections with our audience.
Thursday Sep 27, 2018
LP&B 38 Delora Guignion The Mindsex Mentor
Thursday Sep 27, 2018
Thursday Sep 27, 2018
Welcome To Life passion and business and today's program we have Delora Ginion. She is a mind sex mentor, I know I've kept you waiting for this one. It's a great interview and I'm going to give you a little bit longer.
This weekend was the Loch Ness running Festival with a marathon the 10K and 5k races. The organisation of the event was fantastic, there were over 4500 runners taking part. There were thousands of people in the town and road closures everywhere.
My entry into the 10K and that was a strange story, I have been running for a while and I've mentioned on the podcast before and I had no real sense of why I was running.
It is something that I just kept doing you can find about my journey on other episodes of this programme.
I was in many minds about racing and paid my money with just 15 minutes to go before the closing deadline. In all of my running around Forres, I do 10K in about 1hour plus. That is a good time but for the race, I decided to aim at 55 minutes.
The weather was kind cool and dry. I had a couple of surprises, at the start, I was struck by the silence and the strange sound of so many people running. ( and I so wish I could have recorded the sound for you) It was the noise of people around me running with different footfalls and cadence and breathing. It was like a strange river a sort of flowing rushing sound broken by a cough or foot skid.
My second surprise, my emotional state. I remember getting to the 2k and feeling a wave of emotion passing up my chest into my throat. I was neither happy or sad but tears were in my eyes.
Overall I remember little else, overtaking people, seeing people by the wayside clapping and final run to the finish. I completed the race at 51minute 40 seconds a time I am well pleased with the time.
I think I will continue to explore my passion through running. But it may not be about entering races.
Now Lets meet the MInd Sex Mentor.
Delora and I are facebook friends, we are in a marketing an accountability group. She promotes herself as a Mindsex Mentor. She works with both men and women, combining mindset and sexual energy
In her words " To create sizzle between the sheets, passion in their life AND profit in their business."
Her work is about eliminating shame, guilt and sabotage around sex, money and power. It is about open communication and declared desires.
Delora works closely with clients to have the sex life, business and life they truly desire. Because again in her words
" life is too short to settle for anything less.'
Nope hope you enjoy the conversation with Delore Ginion
Saturday Sep 15, 2018
LP&B 37 Suzy Beaumont, Change Your World
Saturday Sep 15, 2018
Saturday Sep 15, 2018
My guest on this programme is Suzy Beaumont her vision is about change and making a difference in the world. We are kindred spirits in that one and had a great laugh throughout the interview.
Before we go there I need to touch on the subject of the moment, well for me that is my running. I mentioned last week I have entered into the Loch Ness 10K road race and I didn't know why I was doing it, but now I do
The Change of Attitude
I'm competing against myself, entering the race has brought up a new level of commitment. The plan is to run this race under the hour. My time regular time is 1h 3minutes. I would like to get closer to 55 minutes, but success for me will be anything under 60 minutes. I've got a training plan, and there are about ten days to go. What has been interesting, is how the action of actually taking action, putting myself down for this race has made me change my attitude towards it. Will keep you posted. In other news, I said I had some exciting interviews lined up. Well, I had a lovely conversation with Delora Guignion. She is a Mind Sex Mentor. I'm going to leave that there, and we'll talk about that next week. You might want to subscribe to this podcast, so you don't miss it. If you are in your app tap, the follow button NOW
On with the Show.
My guest on the show is committed to changing Lives by changing your world. Suzy Beaumont is a former BBC producer, with 18 years of experience, working in both radio and television. She has a track record in creating nationally recognised features and live programming and specialising in making business, health & wellbeing and lifestyle documentaries. But while life on the outside looked good, the inside was a different story. The current story is the culmination of a 10-year journey. It all started while making a programme about life coaching. Suzy had no idea of the impact that a chance meeting with a life coach would have on her. Or how that meeting would go on to transform every aspect of her life. In our conversation she candidly admits that without that meeting, she would no longer be here, we would not be talking. It was coaching and personal development that got her through the toughest part of her life. Dealing with family illness, loss and personal relationship break down. And more. Having come through the journey, she is committed to sharing the possibility of change.
Change Your World is Born.
In 2016 she had the idea to create an event to bring together some of the best speakers and thinkers in the personal development world. In April 2017 the event now called "Change your world" was an outstanding success. It was followed again in 2018 with a Change your world follow up that was equally successful. These were the first events of their kind to be put on in the highlands of Scotland. We join the conversation with Suzy just weeks before her next event Change Your World Glasgow. Suzy Beaumont the introvert living life like an extrovert, this is her story, bringing her passion and commitment to this project and living life on the other side of Fear. Change Your World Glasgow Suzy Beaumont On Linkedin Suzy Beaumont Facebook
Monday Sep 10, 2018
lP&B 36a Anne Clarke Part 2 What Else is Possible Now?
Monday Sep 10, 2018
Monday Sep 10, 2018
Welcome to part two of the Anne Clarke Interview, if you have not listened to part 1 it is episode 36
Anne Clarke is a facilitator for Access Consciousness. She is a mother of three, lives in the highlands of Scotland and manages a family life, She also lives a semi-laptop lifestyle attending and supporting events all over Europe.
"We structured Society so that most people want to look at the rule book before to make a decision how to move forward because we want to be in the structure. People try to make the right choice in an effort to never have to make another choice, so I pick the right career if I get Mr right if I get all these things alright then I'll be set. I'll be somehow sorted for life. The universe does not work like that." Anne Clarke.
Part 2 of the interview covers what is a success the problem with the word "Passion" and what is the meaning of life for Anne.