Sunday Jan 10, 2021
Time for a New Question?
Sunday Jan 10, 2021
Sunday Jan 10, 2021
I received a book for Christmas called, Designing Regenerative Cultures by Daniel Christian wall.
The book is about the development of sustainable and regenerative society and how we could get there.
Today's podcast is me exploring some of the aspects but particularly around belief systems meaning and purpose and it has led me to believe that I need another question in the podcast.
Is humanity worth saving, what value do we bring to the table?
I have yet to put my thoughts as to what it means for me, and I need to, but this podcast is setting the scene for this conversation and how that question will be in the podcast going forward.
Sunday Jan 03, 2021
To Goal or Not to Goal
Sunday Jan 03, 2021
Sunday Jan 03, 2021
Stand by for the yearly rush to set mad unachievable goals. It is the time of year to make plans and hold yourself accountable?
Is it really?? do you need to set goals?
Sunday Dec 27, 2020
What are we about?
Sunday Dec 27, 2020
Sunday Dec 27, 2020
The question in the podcast interviews is always the meaning of life, but I am beginning to wonder it we need a bigger question.
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
Jeff Harry : The Play Coach
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
Today’s guest is Jeff Harry, the Play Coach.
Scroll down for Contact details and/or Links regarding this Podcast
Do you play enough?
Play is something that most of us associate with childhood. As adults, we might play with children. But most people gave up playing with stuff when they hit puberty.
Yes, it is ok to play sports, cards or board games, but there are adult responsibilities, so it is believed that there is no time for ‘child’s play’ in this world. There is a little light as the gaming industry has tapped into our desire to play and made it acceptable for adults to play online games. However, all of this play is still confined to our leisure time; the difference with children is that playing is the day job.
But what if we have got it wrong and play should be part of our day jobs as adults?
My guest on the show today is Jeff Harry, and he is a play coach. He shows individuals and companies how to tap into their true selves, to feel their happiest and most fulfilled — all by playing.
Jeff saw the movie “Big” where Tom hanks got to play in a toy shop, thinking that was a job he started writing to toy companies.
“I was spamming before spam was a thing.”
Letters from a 9-year-old get treated as kind of nice but politely rejected. Not that it stopped him, he kept writing, and by the time he was 15, he got some advice to study mechanical engineering.
He got the degree and got the job he had always wanted in toy company, only to discover it was not what he expected or wanted. There was no play!
There he was 25 and working in a cubicle, looking at a screen and writing reports about play. Then 9/11 happened and leaving New York seemed like a good option, so he quit.
Moving to the San Francisco bay area, he got the perfect job building stuff with Lego, and over the next 12 years he turned it into the largest Lego inspired stem organisation with over 400 people doing creative stuff.
Our conversation is the story of how Jeff took play into the business world. He has since worked with Google, Microsoft, Southwest Airlines, Adobe, the NFL, Amazon, and Facebook, helping their staff to infuse more play into the day-to-day.
Jeff is an established international speaker. He has been selected by BambooHR & Engagedly as one of the Top 100 HR Influencers of 2020, for his work in organisational development.
“While we spend most of our time pretending to be important, serious grown-ups, it’s when we let go of that facade and just play, that the real magic happens.”
It is a wonderful conversation; Jeff encourages us to embrace our nerdy genius, as it gives us the power to make a difference and change lives. He believes that we already have many of the answers we seek, and by simply unleashing our inner child, we can find our purpose and, in turn, help to create a better world.
I hope you enjoy this playful conversation with Jeff Harry. His website is:-
Do check out his social links and connect with him. You can find him on LinkedIn Youtube, Instagram Medium and Ticktock.
That is it for this week, my final thoughts for the Christmas season…
"Be kind to all, but most of all be kind to yourself. "
It is a reflective time of year, and for those in the northern regions, it is cold, dark and a good time to snuggle up and go within.
I use this time to find inner wisdom, much of that was explained on the advent journey in a previous podcast. referencing our Spirit-duality event: https://spirit-duality.heysummit.com/checkout/select-tickets/
If you are looking for some answers the free ‘5 Questions Workbook‘ is a good place to start: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/the-five-questions/
Wednesday Dec 16, 2020
Janice Clyne : The Fermentation Specialist
Wednesday Dec 16, 2020
Wednesday Dec 16, 2020
This week I am talking to Janice Clyne, The Fermentation Specialist.
Scroll down for Contact details and/or Links regarding this Podcast
We can all relate to food; it is an emotive subject and stirs memories, both good and some times not so good. Who remembers dreadful dinner dates or childhood associations?
I have a horror story around sprouts that stopped me eating them for years, but for the most part, some of my best memories with friends, lovers or family are related to food and drink.
I am a foodie; cooking and sharing food is my thing. Food is never far from my mind, I know what I will be cooking on most days and I love to experiment. So when I first met Janice Clyne, it was with some excitement. Janice is a fermented food specialist, while most of us know our fermented drinks and our fermented flour (bread) there is a whole world of fermentation that is both fun and has enormous benefit to our health.
That was in the Change your world coaching group. In Facebook, groups engagement is often variable, but this week Janice had people sharing photos food and exploring new possibilities. I was hooked and could see a whole new area of taste and flavour possibility opening before me.
Janice started her career as a food research scientist; achieving a BSC Hons, MSC and going on to a PhD with a project in the whisky industry, working on the ageing process. She left the PhD to have her first child and never went back. Four girls later she has become a committed fermenter, food grower and educator/teacher of healthy choices.
This conversation is her journey through sourdough, kombucha, kefir, kimchi, kraut & fermented veggies! She is passionate to share her knowledge about the magical world of microbes and gut health. 80% of our immune system starts in the gut.
Janice is the founder of Nourished by Nature, dedicated (some may say obsessed) with addressing the fast food, convenience, throw-away society. She is determined to address today’s chronic health issues by introducing people to the health affirming & delicious world of fermented foods & drinks.
For her it is about informing, supporting, & enabling people of all ages & backgrounds to enjoy better health, through making better-informed food choices, getting back into their kitchens & bringing the joy & pleasure back into cooking and eating real food!
I hope you enjoy the conversation with Janice Clyne. Do check the links in the show notes for her celebration cookbook that is spot on for the festive season.
You can also find Janice at https://www.blognourishedbynature.com/
on Facebook, NourishedbyNatureUK and
on Instagram @benourishedbynature.
Next weeks show is all about play. A great subject with Christmas on the doorstep.
In the meantime if you would like to explore the Podcast’s 5 questions from your own perspective, do check out the 5 Questions Workbook on the Life Passion and Business website
Monday Dec 14, 2020
Are we living in a virtual world?
Monday Dec 14, 2020
Monday Dec 14, 2020
Could we be living in virtual reality could this be a completely managed environment and if it was what where did we come from is there worse than here?
More to the point is it a privilege to be here?
Questions and thoughts for my Sunday reflection.
Looking for the links in the podcast they are here.
Choose the Free ticket to get access
Podcast Resources and the 5 questions workbook
Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Louise Miller : The Productivity Mentor
Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Wednesday Dec 09, 2020
Scroll down for Contact details and/or Links regarding this Podcast
How productive are you? Do you get stuff done?
I have waves of ninja activity and days when it is just not happening. For me, it is all about accountability, so I have partners to hold me to this, or I make a public declaration that holds me to it. I even offer accountability to support in my coaching so that others feel held in achieving their goals.
Some people find organization and productivity easy, others struggle.
Thankfully in this world we are all different, which keeps it interesting, What comes easy to some is almost impossible to others. Of course, in a world of home working and restrictions, mindset implementation and productivity is a huge issue for many people.
There is also a flip side to this conversation; people who are so driven that they drive themselves into overwhelm. That is the story behind my guest on today’s show.
Louise Miller, the productivity mentor could always organise, even as a child she had a tidy bedroom. Efficiency has always been her thing.
“My Degree is in Reading and Colouring In.”
On leaving University, with a degree in English and Fine Art, her career path was unclear. But those organizational skills came in handy, and she became an administrator. She excelled to the point of promotion into management roles.
It was then that she discovered how unique her skill set was, as managing disorganized people is not so easy and often stressful.
Also, as an efficient and effective manager, more work ends up on your desk. There is truth in the phrase if you want something done ask a busy person.
Louise’s had a successful 15-year career in administration and management until work-related stress and anxiety lead to a near breakdown. It finally dawned on her that being that efficient and productive in an organisation is not always good for your health.
Our conversation is the story from almost total breakdown, to recovery and then on to soul searching discovery.
Louise now supports overwhelmed business owners to reach compassionate, sustainable productivity. It is her mission is to help others land their brilliant ideas in reality, grow a fulfilling business and create space for what they love doing.
I hope you enjoy the conversation with Louise Miller.
If you want to connect with Louise, you can find her at https://www.bettylouonline.com, and on Linkedin,
Do check out her website for the Free resources, particularly “The big idea to inspired action.
If you are following the Gratitude path we shared in the Sacred Christmas FREE Introduction/Inspiration session, stick with it the outcome is so worth it.
If you want Inspiration or Support to stay on track, You can achieve this with the Advent/Christmas Inspiration and Empowerment Sessions. Tickets are available until 31st December and include all the sessions you have missed so far. The price is £95 for a single ticket / £150 for a group ticket. Both options includes all 40 Sessions.
The link for tickets to the Free Session and tickets for the Advent/Christmas options is here.
Sunday Dec 06, 2020
Sunday Reflection: Rolling with change
Sunday Dec 06, 2020
Sunday Dec 06, 2020
How do you roll with change, my thoughts as the local church finds a solution to it yearly Carol Service under COVID restrictions?
Thoughts on the podcast going forward. What would you like to hear?
There is still, time to explore Christmas gratitude for free or experience Spirit duality as part of the Advent Christmas journey.
The link is here, get the free option and go from there.
Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
Karen Darke : The Modern Day 'Alchemist
Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
Scroll down for Contact details and/or Links regarding this Podcast
I first met Karen Darke ten years ago when I was a marketing advisor on a contract with a local enterprise company. The meeting was about her book, and I was told she would be in a wheelchair. I called and made an appointment to meet at her house.
When I arrived there was no answer. Having parked on the drive, I could see the garage door was open, so I walked down the drive to see if she was around. I heard a noise behind me and there was a chirpy “hello”. I turned to see a mud-splattered woman on a low hand bike.
“Been waiting long? I’ve been out on the hills” she said, as she parked the bike in the garage and lifted herself into a waiting wheelchair.
Since that first meeting, I have followed her journey to becoming an Olympic Silver Medallist in London and then on to the Gold in Rio. Our paths crossed again this year when she was a speaker at Reasons and Results.
Karen is a modern-day ‘Alchemist’: an adventurer, athlete, speaker and author, Karen’s purpose is about inspiring and impacting, about turning challenge into an opportunity, turning ‘mud’ into ‘gold’.
Her career started as a Geologist researching gold in the Bolivian Andes; however, a life-changing accident that left her paralysed led her away from being a ‘rock-doctor’ to winning Paralympic Gold in the sport of Paralympic hand-cycling in Rio 2016.
Like all journeys, it was not a straight line.
She has experienced some extreme lows on the roller-coaster of life and knows how trauma, stress and life events can lead to fear, pain and under-performance. Karen was always the adventurer; that was what caused the accident that put her on this path.
However, she does not let her disability define or stop her desire to push the boundary of what is possible. That desire has also created some highs, exploring and extending the limits of possibility physically, mentally and emotionally. She has skied across icecaps, kayaked at extreme latitudes of the planet, and hand-cycled over the world’s biggest mountains.
The Gold in Rio was the 79th medal for Britain, and 79 being the elemental number for gold led to Karen creating Quest 79: Find Your Inner Gold.
The project had Karen cycling 7 continents in 9 iconic rides, raising £79K for Spinal Injuries and encouraging people to step out of their comfort zones and discover passion, purpose or ability: their ‘inner gold’.
Karen views life as an adventure, and she embraces all its experiences as opportunities to learn and grow.
I hope you enjoy the conversation with Karen Darke
You can connect with Karen through her website:-
Or on social media:-
Twitter Facebook Linkedin Instagram
As we come to the end of November, my US friends are about to celebrate Thanksgiving and then they will join the rest of us in the frenzy of activity and utter frustration of trying to think of a suitable gift for Great Aunt Edna, who nobody ever sees except on this one auspicious day of the year. However this year it is unlikely that Great Aunt Edna will be allowed out of the closet! At least if she lives in the UK where we have guidelines on how many households can get together for Christmas.
I am sure it was not an easy decision for those in power, knowing full well that putting Christmas on hold or restricting who and how many can meet is going to be painful. It must also be hard knowing that whatever they do will cause a surge in COVID cases in January.
The truth is Christmas will be different this year, regardless of the COVID rules. Personally, my Christmas has evolved many times with the changes in relationships, children growing up and parents or relatives passing.
Each change has meant finding new meaning and inspiration for the festive season. Having just finished an event about Spirituality, my wife and I realized we have something that could enable you to create a unique Christmas filled with empowerment to face whatever 2021 brings.
Are you ready to create a new way of celebrating Christmas? Something that can be personal to you or shared with friends and family? Something sacred and special that adds meaning to your life throughout the year ahead?
This is the “Sacred Christmas” Adventure.
Christmas doesn’t have to be about frenzied shopping, over-eating and blobbing out in front of TV watching meaningless re-runs.
How would you feel about Christmas if it were an annual opportunity to give thanks for the highs and lows of the year just gone, and reveal the wisdom you need to prepare you for whatever the year ahead throws your way.
It all starts with the sharing of our family rituals, how we put meaning into the Christmas story and how you could create your own traditions to bring deeper meaning to this festive season.
Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Jennifer Main : The Empathic Initiator
Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Scroll down for details and links
I had no idea then how different things would be when we first released this recording in March 2020 – living in a world when the Corona Virus was sending us all into lockdown and the sound of a slight cough could set alarm bells ringing.
It was the wake-up call of Covid19 that prompted my first Virtual Summit, and as we are re-releasing this recording in November 2020 I am in the midst of co-hosting my 3rd Summit with my wife Cheryl. The theme for this one is more important and significant at this time than it has been at any
Can you imagine what it would be like growing up if the shadows in the dark were not figments of your imagination? My guest on today’s show is Jennifer Main – the empathic initiator whose psychic abilities meant that as a child those shadows were more real and scary than they are for the rest of us.
A Gift With A Price
Jennifer has been empathic from a very early age, but what does that mean?
It means she was super sensitive to the world around her; she could see, feel and hear stuff that others couldn’t. That might sound like a fantastic superpower. But like all gifts, it came with a price, and for Jennifer it was a high one. As a child receiving love and emotional support was difficult, because hugging people was painful. Adults carry so many emotions and this is very confusing to a young child who receives all this pain and emotional baggage in a hug.
Jennifer was born in North Carolina, known as the Bible belt of the USA. Her family have strong Christian beliefs so there was no easy way to talk about the things that might have been considered ungodly. She learned to rationalise the images and thoughts she received as part of an overactive and creative imagination. But it initiated her interest in psychology as a way of gaining more insight and understanding about the images, feelings and experiences she was having. She says her whole life has been a study of humanity beginning with herself.
The Empathic Initiator
After leaving school, Jennifer went on to study psychology and worked in the field of addiction and special needs.
Presently she is known as the Empathic Initiator and works as a transformational guide and speaker. She is a catalyst for change, her mission being to inspire individuals to recognise their unique potential and calling, to embrace purpose, and to live an aligned and authentic existence.
I hope you enjoy this conversation with Jennifer Main,
If you would like to connect with Jennifer, you can find her through her website: www.WithJennifer.com and on:
An Amazing Time to be Alive
This podcast was recorded with Jennifer in December 2019 when the world was a very different place, and my slight cough was just a seasonal cold.
I had no idea then how different things would be when we first released this recording in March 2020 – living in a world when the Corona Virus was sending us all into lockdown and the sound of a slight cough could set alarm bells ringing.
It was the wake-up call of Covid19 that prompted my first Virtual Summit, and as we are re-releasing this recording in November 2020 I am in the midst of co-hosting my 3rd Summit with my wife Cheryl. The theme for this one is more important and significant at this time than it has been at any other time in our lives.
Spirit-duality is an exploration of what it takes to be living as a Spiritual Being within the confines and complexities of being Human. With 25 speakers and 40 Inspiring and Empowering sessions, a lot of topics and view points are being brought together in this amazing event. It is a privilege to be host to these amazing conversations.
At the time of launching this FREE access to some of the content is still possible, and the link below includes a link with a 35% discount on unlimited video replays and an audio download of the entire event.
Spirit-Duality – Finding Balance with the Dualities of
Being Human and Embracing Spirituality
5 Days of Inspiring conversations about Life, Challenges and Spirituality
followed by 3 Days of Empowering Activities to Enrich your Journey.
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Ali Shah : Connection in Society
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Scroll Down For Links To Today's Speaker
My guest on the show is Ali Shah; he is the founder of a new social media app called TapeReel where you can record and only engage through audio and video.
Like many parents of South Asian origin, Ali’s parents had plans for his future that involved being involved in a key profession, while he was more interested in the creative side of business and marketing. He ended up with a portfolio career in Market Research through Consulting and Project Management.
At some point, the entrepreneurial itch had him buying into a Subway franchise, that he says was like ‘buying’ a job. When he realised this, he quit and went back to the job market.
After years in different companies, both big and small, Ali discovered the exciting work went to the contractors. So, he created a mobile and Web Analytics consultancy that was successful and allowed him to explore various projects and app developments, which lead to several spin-off projects all with varying success.
But he was struggling with his personal life. A search for meaning led him on a journey to South America to a shamanic retreat where he experienced a transformation. You can hear the full detail of this experience in our virtual event Spirit-duality.
On his return, he simplified his life and looked for a means to create more connection.
TapeReel, is a reaction to what Ali sees as a lack of real connection in society. He feels that social media, with its algorithms and advertising is pushing us apart more than it brings us together. His mission is to champion the bond of human connection by helping people truly connect and be themselves in a safe, inspiring, and knowledgeable community where everyone can be heard while building a legacy of meaningful memories.
I hope you enjoy this conversation with Ali Shah.
Connect with Ali:
Ali’s Website is TapeReel https://web.tapereal.com/
Ali is on Linkedin Instagram Facebook and Twitter.
As I mentioned, Ali is one of our speakers in Spirit-duality where he is sharing what he discovered on his shamanic retreat to Ecuador.
The event is an invitation to explore and understand the connection and disconnection of living as a human being and a spiritual being. It explores spirituality from many perspectives including the Science of Spirituality and the Spiritual nature of Money.
Together we explore other people’s life stories and help you find your own compass for these challenging times?
Come and be part of the community at spirit duality and let’s do something extraordinary.
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
Thoughts On Community
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
Sunday Nov 08, 2020
This Sunday reflection is exploring the importance of community. As humans, we create them everywhere, and when we lose them or leave it hurts.
Spirit-duality is less than seven days away, do get your ticket; these conversations are not to be missed.
The tickets are Free for the Inspirational section. The Empowerment sessions require a ticket, so use the offer link below. As a listener to this show, it gives you 35% off the “Ultimate Access” ticket price for the entire event.
I hope you will join us.
Sunday Nov 01, 2020
The calm after the storm and reflections from nature.c
Sunday Nov 01, 2020
Sunday Nov 01, 2020
Sunday Reflection
There was a storm here yesterday and there was a calm in the world this morning so we took a little time to walk by the river.
The point is the path is always there.
HAVE YOU GOT YOUR TICKET for Spirit-duality
Over the past month I have had the most fantastic experience speaking to guests from across the world—people who have generously donated their time to share their expertise and knowledge.
Spirit-duality is an exploration of the human being from the perspective of belief, intuition and our connection to something greater than the sum of our parts.
We are looking at the Science of Spirituality, the energy of Money, what it takes to develop intuition, exploring our senses… and so much more.
You will discover how it is that some people flow through life even when they are challenged and how they have an inner compass as their guide.
Through exploring these lifes stories we aim to help you find your own compass for these challenging times.
There are 2000 free tickets, come and be part of the community at Spirit- duality and let’s do something extraordinary together.
Spirit-duality is the 14th to 22nd November and it is an exploration of what it takes to be human and live on a spiritual path.
Sunday Nov 01, 2020
Paul Maskill - Ultimate Freedom Mastermind
Sunday Nov 01, 2020
Sunday Nov 01, 2020
Scroll down for details and links
Paul Maskill is my guest on the show today and runs the Ultimate Freedom Mastermind a project that helps business owners discover their gifts and build successful businesses that can operate without them.
His early love was playing golf, and he dreamed of becoming a professional golfer but was not keen on spending the time needed at the driving range, he just wanted to play. He looked into becoming a club professional, but that job was seven days a week with lots of unsocial hours.
Deciding to leave golf as the hobby he set his sights on banking. He was good at maths and enjoyed spreadsheets so headed for university with plans to enter the finance industry.
By 2011, after less than four years in the finance world, he knew this was not the answer. There must be more to life than doing okay for 40 years and then retiring to enjoy what’s left.
So he started a business; however, he was soon working 60-80 hours a week with a project that couldn’t survive without him.
It was a pattern he saw everywhere, people working for themselves repeating the same mistakes—namely getting passionate, starting a business to get out of the rat race. Only to create a job with long hours and no employment benefits, it was the illusion of freedom.
Seeing the problem, Paul started systematizing his business while empowering a team to run it better than he could. Before long, his revenue had doubled to almost $500k, plus the number of hours he worked dropped below 40. He achieved this remarkable transformation all within four short years.
He went on to sell the company for three times the net profit.
Today, Paul helps other small business owners automate their business so it can thrive without them, enabling them to leverage their business to build a life that they love.
I hope you enjoy the conversation with Paul Maskill
If you would like to connect with Paul, you can find him at
Instagram @paul_maskill
HAVE YOU GOT YOUR TICKET for Spirit-duality?
Over that last month, I have had the most fantastic experience speaking to guests from across the world—people who have generously donated their time to share their expertise and knowledge.
Spirit-duality is an exploration of the human being from the perspective of belief, intuition and our connection to something greater than the sum of our parts.
We are looking at the Science of Spirituality, the Energy of Money, what it takes to develop intuition, exploring our senses and so much more.
You will discover how it is that some people flow through life even when they are challenged and how they have an inner compass as their guide.
Through these stories, we aim to help you find your own inner compass for these challenging times.
There are 2000 free tickets, come and be part of the community at Spirit-duality and let’s do something extraordinary together.
Sunday Oct 25, 2020
The loss of rituals. A Sunday Reflection.
Sunday Oct 25, 2020
Sunday Oct 25, 2020
Todays Sunday reflection is all about rituals and how we have let them pass.
Why were they so powerful why did we let them go?
As mentioned a bit our new event is the seed for these conversations.
Spirit duality is the 14th to 22nd November
I hope you will join us.