Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
Simon Rumney : Dyslexia. Shame & Inspiration
Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
Wednesday Aug 11, 2021
This week’s conversation draws our attention to the plight of non diagnosed Dyslexia through Simon Rumney’s life of shame and the inspiration it now brings to his writing.
Simon has battled with low self-worth, shame and guilt his entire life.
“I was a failure in the womb.”
It all stems from a loveless childhood with traumatized parents and un-diagnosed Dyslexia which left him unprepared for the world. Although he has managed to be hugely successful with his career and prospects, he consistently sabotaged it. Only now, at the age of 66, does he feel close to getting on top of his chronic shame and self-deprecation.
What Simon brings to this conversation is a wealth of inspiration for people with learning disabilities and insight for those who live and work with them. Moreover, it gives the rest of us an opportunity to open our eyes to the ways we communicate and understand each other.
In the podcast I mention the Davis Method: Here is a link to this and the British Dyslexia Association:
To learn more about Simon, Dyslexics Unanimous and his three books, follow this link to the podcast post on Life Passion & Business website:
Life Passion & Business is dedicated to exploring what it takes to be Extraordinary, to face challenges and rejoice in the opportunities they bring, and expand our vision into new ways of thinking and living.
There is a lot to gain from listening to other people’s stories, however the real work begins by taking action in your own life.
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Running a podcast is fun, but it takes time and dedication. Whenever you enjoy a podcast please share your appreciation with comments, likes, shares and reviews. It helps other listeners find good content and supports the content creators and their guests.
Another way you can support the Life Passion & Business podcast is with small donations: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/lifeandpassion
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Vulnerability : Shortcast
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
Sunday Aug 08, 2021
How vulnerable are you willing to be? Vulnerability gives us the opportunity to connect, but it also puts us at risk of failure and shame. Those were some of the things discussed in last week’s shortcast ‘Failure and Forgiveness’ so it seems apt to follow on with a conversation about daring to be vulnerable.
As a child I experienced ridicule and shame from a few ‘unenlightened’ teachers. It was normal in the 1960’s and 70’s, but sadly (as my son tells me) it still happens a lot in schools today. It taught me to build a shell around my emotions to avoid feeling vulnerable and made meaningful relationships difficult to find. My interest in performance in my 20’s is what turned things around for me. Learning to access my emotions through performance and acting classes gave me the courage to take it further in my personal life. Being vulnerable with friends and family has opened the door to rewarding relationships. In particular it has enabled me to connect and role model vulnerability with my son.
Another place where it’s risky to be vulnerable is in the world of media and politics. Having the courage to speak the truth publicly is the place where many of us feel most vulnerable. And what happens when what we thought was true isn’t. How many people have the courage to admit they were wrong? We see it a lot when people dig their heels in to defend a standpoint just to avoid being vulnerable and open to shame. But what happens when we dare to say I was wrong? This is where the riches are. This is where we create connections and build trust.
Speaking from experience, I can say being vulnerable is worth the effort. I hope you’ll join me in this conversation and explore your own experiences around vulnerability.
Life Passion & Business Podcast is about finding answers to life’s big questions through weekly interview with guest speakers. The Shortcast is my ongoing commitment to staying inquisitive and passionate about life with whatever is alive for me each week. Follow the links below to discover what else is on offer.
Events and Resources: www.lifepassionandbusiness.com
The Five Questions eBook: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/the-five-questions
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Midlife Survey: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/midlife-challenge/
Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
Terry Sidhu : The Path of Least Resistance
Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
Wednesday Aug 04, 2021
Unlike many of us who have been conditioned to believe life is a struggle and we have to push through challenges to reach our goals, Terry Sidhu’s philosophy is to…
“Find The Path of Least Resistance”
It is a refreshing change, and quite a surprise considering the challenges Terry faced as the child of immigrant descent growing up in a working class environment in central England.
“I grew up in 4 different communities and didn’t quite fit into any of them.”
When asked where his story begins, Terry takes us right back to his primary school years. Born the child of Indian heritage Terry’s home life was steeped in the Punjabi traditions. However, living in Wolverhampton meant his English school education was strongly influenced by western Christianity.
As if that wasn’t confusing enough for a quiet sensitive child, Terry also found it difficult to fit in with his peers. From an early age he had to contend with extensive exclusion, ridicule and bullying from other children, both at school and in the frequent social gatherings within the Sikh community.
“I never felt comfortable in this experience called life. I didn’t understand it”
Because of this Terry resorted to a solitary life and a lot of his thoughts and ideas tended to be of a religious, esoteric nature.
Full Text for this post along with Terry’s website and social links are all available at:
Life Passion & Business is dedicated to exploring what it takes to be Extraordinary, to face challenges and rejoice in the opportunities they bring, and expand our vision into new ways of thinking and living.
There is a lot to gain from listening to other people’s stories, however the real work begins by taking action in your own life.
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Another way you can support the Life Passion & Business podcast is with small donations: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/lifeandpassion
Sunday Aug 01, 2021
Failings and Forgiveness : Shortcast
Sunday Aug 01, 2021
Sunday Aug 01, 2021
Today’s Shortcast conversation is about two common ‘F’ Words: Failings and Forgiveness.
There are a number of reasons why these are on my mind this week. One, because a friend of mine competing in a major Iron Man challenge had to pull out towards the end of it. Another is the Simone Biles conversations that are spinning around in the news and social media this week. The third is the result of meeting up with some friends who are currently struggling to come to terms with a past failure.
The question is why is there such a stigma about failing? Babies fail all the time, and yet we don't criticize them for it. So where does it all go wrong? What happens in individuals and in society to turn failure into such a terrible thing? And why is it filled with so many emotive judgements?
Life Passion & Business Podcast is about finding answers to life’s big questions through weekly interview with guest speakers. The Shortcast is my ongoing commitment to staying inquisitive and passionate about life with whatever is alive for me each week. Follow the links below to discover what else is on offer.
Events and Resources: www.lifepassionandbusiness.com
The Five Questions eBook: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/the-five-questions
Support The Podcast:https://www.buymeacoffee.com/lifeandpassion
Audience Survey: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/audience-survey/
Midlife Survey: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/midlife-challenge/
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
Nate Dukes : Through The Darkness
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
Wednesday Jul 28, 2021
Nate Dukes is living proof that no matter how bad you think you are, or how bad things get, you can get through the darkness. Even when the story you’ve heard all your life is “You’ll Never Change” he is here to tell you it’s a lie. You can change and you can become the person you want to be.
This conversation is a revealing insight into how a devastating self image can lead to misery and disastrous life choices. It is also fully packed with inspiration and wisdom.
Nate’s Story
‘Fun’ for Nate used to be chasing what he thought was the good life – parties, drugs, gambling and spending money. Now he says that ‘fun’ is seeing other people set free from this unhealthy lifestyle.
From a difficult childhood, through the angst of teenage years, the liberation of leaving home and then falling into bad company and unhealthy habits, life has been a journey for Nate. And yet, this roller coaster has brought a lot of insight and wisdom which he shares with us in bucket loads.
“After being in the darkness, I now have the ability, desire and passion to help others and see them come out of that darkness and create their own comeback.”
Since our initial conversation Nate has been working on his book ‘You’ll Never Change’ which is all about proving that you can change. The book was released last month, so we have brought this podcast forward to celebrate it’s launch and share the journey that has brought Nate Dukes through the darkness to be the person he is today.
Full Text for this post along with Nate’s website, book and social links are all available at:
Life Passion & Business is dedicated to exploring what it takes to be Extraordinary, to face challenges and rejoice in the opportunities they bring, and expand our vision into new ways of thinking and living.
There is a lot to gain from listening to other people’s stories, however the real work begins by taking action in your own life.
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Running a podcast is fun, but it takes time and dedication. Whenever you enjoy a podcast please share your appreciation with comments, likes, shares and reviews. It helps other listeners find good content and supports the content creators and their guests.
Another way you can support the Life Passion & Business podcast is with small donations: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/lifeandpassion
Sunday Jul 25, 2021
Choices : Shortcast
Sunday Jul 25, 2021
Sunday Jul 25, 2021
Life is absolutely full of choices, so it is hardly surprising that we sometimes experience choice fatigue. The thing is that with every choice, there is a potential outcome; sometimes an infinite number of outcomes. And, it is a natural human tendency to procrastinate.
Maybe this is what keeps us stuck and why the simplest choices are the hardest to make and the decisions that lead to the harshest outcomes become the easier option.
The point is we don’t acknowledge how hard it is to break out of habits and stick to decisions that require consistent daily action, especially when there is no urgency to make the change.
Taking action to change something before it becomes unbearable requires a huge amount of will power, compassion, self love and forgiveness. It also means keeping sight of the bigger picture and making each step towards it easier to achieve.
Life Passion & Business Podcast is about finding answers to life’s big questions through weekly interview with guest speakers. The Shortcast is my ongoing commitment to staying inquisitive and passionate about life with whatever is alive for me each week. Follow the links below to discover what else is on offer.
Discover Life, Passion & Business:
Events and Resources: www.lifepassionandbusiness.com
The Five Questions eBook: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/the-five-questions
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Audience Survey: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/audience-survey/
Midlife Survey: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/midlife-challenge/
Friday Jul 23, 2021
El Edwards : Being Weird With God
Friday Jul 23, 2021
Friday Jul 23, 2021
This week, my guest, El Edwards is joining me to talk about being weird with God.
This is an honest and open conversation, because El is not afraid to be weird, she rejoices in being different. So this is about her willingness to be honest and open about talking to God!!
There is no preaching here, so stick with me.
El has a bubbly personality, so whatever you think of the subject you will enjoy the lively pace and fun she brings to the conversation. El and I have different perspectives about God, so it was fun to bat a few ideas around with someone so open and honest. Whatever your view, there is some valuable insight to gain from listening to this and learning how El has created a life that is rich and fulfilling for herself and others.
And for my American listeners, she has a great Welsh accent that I am sure you will enjoy.
My full introduction to this post, along with El's website, social links and free download of her new book 'Youier' are all available at:
Life Passion & Business is dedicated to exploring what it takes to be Extraordinary, to face challenges and rejoice in the opportunities they bring, and expand our vision into new ways of thinking and living.
There is a lot to gain from listening to other people’s stories, however the real work begins by taking action in your own life.
For full details of Events, Resources and Services visit:
Support For Podcasters:
Running a podcast is fun, but it takes time and dedication. Whenever you enjoy a podcast please share your appreciation with comments, likes, shares and reviews. It helps other listeners find good content and supports the content creators and their guests.
Another way you can support the Life Passion & Business podcast is with small donations: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/lifeandpassion
Sunday Jul 18, 2021
Roles : Shortcast
Sunday Jul 18, 2021
Sunday Jul 18, 2021
As a follow on from last week’s shortcast, this week’s reflection is about Roles.
Last week I talked about Labels and how, when asked what we do, we mostly define ourselves by our job title. But there is so much more to who we are than that. I invited listeners to explore this for themselves and create new ways of describing who they are. Expanding on that topic, this week I am talking about the different roles we play in life and how we want to be seen or defined by them.
Roles can be defined in infinite ways and I have listed some of these below to help you define the roles you play. But mostly we accept these roles without giving them much thought. So this is an invitation to explore them more deeply.
Are we blindly accepting roles that have been defined for us?
Or are we choosing them more consciously?
By reflecting on this topic, we have an opportunity to engage in our various roles with more integrity and bring them into alignment with our mission, or purpose in life.
There are an infinite number of roles in life. Here are just a few to consider:-
Husband/Wife/Partner, Parent, Child, Friend, Lover, Comrade, Co-worker, Employer, Employee, Patient, Counsellor, Teacher (not just in teaching or counselling professions), Student, Customer, Team Player, Team Leader, Community Citizen, Helper (i.e. supporting others with health, life challenges etc.).
And the there are the more obscure ones like Driver; what role do you play behind the wheel of your car and Social Media; what do you share and what do you hide?
Ultimately the question is:-
How do you want to be remembered for the roles you play in people’s lives?
What do you want your legacy to be?
Life Passion & Business Podcast is about finding answers to life’s big questions through weekly interview with guest speakers. The Shortcast is my ongoing commitment to staying inquisitive and passionate about life with whatever is alive for me each week. Follow the links below to discover what else is on offer.
Events and Resources: www.lifepassionandbusiness.com
The Five Questions eBook: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/the-five-questions
Support The Podcast:https://www.buymeacoffee.com/lifeandpassion
Audience Survey: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/audience-survey/
Midlife Survey: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/midlife-challenge/
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
Hayden Humphrey : Drop The Script
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
Wednesday Jul 14, 2021
What Hayden brings to the podcast, is a beacon of light that can support others to make the switch before falling into the trap that many don’t recognize until it is too late.
Many of my guests talk about Life Transitions which sadly come about due to serious illness or unforeseen circumstances. I often describe this as the Curve Ball because it appears to come at us unseen and out of the blue. Retrospectively most recognize the signs that led up to this momentous event, and that ignoring the warnings is what caused it.
Hayden is different. He had the wisdom and the tools to turn his life in a direction that supported his well-being before it was too late. What’s more, he also uses his positive outlook to support others in making the switch in their lives.
Full Text for this post along with Hayden’s website and social links are all available at:
If you are interested in working with Hayden, he runs a quarterly eight week program entitled ‘Unscript Your LIfe’. He is also offering a downloadable quiz to discover how scripted your life is. Links to both of these are included on our website via the above link.
Life Passion & Business is dedicated to exploring what it takes to be Extraordinary, to face challenges and rejoice in the opportunities they bring, and expand our vision into new ways of thinking and living.
There is a lot to gain from listening to other people’s stories, however the real work begins by taking action in your own life.
For full details of Events, Resources and Services visit:
Support For Podcasters:
Running a podcast is fun, but it takes time and dedication. Whenever you enjoy a podcast please share your appreciation with comments, likes, shares and reviews. It helps other listeners find good content and supports the content creators and their guests.
Another way you can support the Life Passion & Business podcast is with small donations: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/lifeandpassion
Sunday Jul 11, 2021
Labels : Shortcast
Sunday Jul 11, 2021
Sunday Jul 11, 2021
This week we are exploring the role of Labels. Why do we have them? Why do we need them? How do we use them and above all, are they serving their true purpose?
The convention in society is to use your job title to describe who you are. But is that who you really are, and what happens when you don’t have a job title. Do you cease to exist? Well obviously not, but it is an interesting point and for some people this loss of title can cause an identity crisis.
So how do we fix that? I am sharing my thoughts on the matter and inviting you to consider your relationship with your job title and other identity labels.
Events and Resources: www.lifepassionandbusiness.com
The Five Questions eBook: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/the-five-questions
Support The Podcast:https://www.buymeacoffee.com/lifeandpassion
Audience Survey: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/audience-survey/
Midlife Survey: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/midlife-challenge/
Thursday Jul 08, 2021
Ari Galper : Building Trust
Thursday Jul 08, 2021
Thursday Jul 08, 2021
Ari Galper is familiar to me as The World’s #1 Authority on Trust-Based Selling. I have known him for about 20 years and his name is synonymous with direct and information marketing since 2005.
This interview explores the life lessons that led to him creating authentic techniques for building trust in business and personal relationships.
It was a sales call with a dream client that shocked Ari to the core and was a catalyst to start a revolution in the world of sales communication.
“This is so ethically wrong it is dehumanizing…
This is not how human beings should be treating each other.”
He has developed a system for re-building trust that has gone on to save marriages and resolve difficult communication issues with teenagers.
Full Text for this post along with Ari’s website and social links are all available at:
Life Passion & Business is dedicated to exploring what it takes to be Extraordinary, to face challenges and rejoice in the opportunities they bring, and expand our vision into new ways of thinking and living.
There is a lot to gain from listening to other people’s stories, however the real work begins by taking action in your own life.
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Support For Podcasters:
Running a podcast is fun, but it takes time and dedication. Whenever you enjoy a podcast please share your appreciation with comments, likes, shares and reviews. It helps other listeners find good content and supports the content creators and their guests.
Another way you can support the Life Passion & Business podcast is with small donations: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/lifeandpassion
Sunday Jul 04, 2021
Independence : Shortcast
Sunday Jul 04, 2021
Sunday Jul 04, 2021
With it being 4th July there can really only be one topic of conversation; the exploration of Independence and what it means.
Whilst today is the day America celebrates it’s independence from the UK, it is also the day my wife and I moved in together and began our exploration of interdependence. So my thoughts naturally turn to what that means to us as a couple, what it means in relationship to raising children and living in community with others. In this context, communal living can mean the local communities we create with friends and family or the larger community created as a nation.
There are several aspects to explore here:
Dependence, Independence, Co-dependence and Interdependence.
What is the difference between them? How do we create a balance that healthily supports each individual to flourish and contribute their best to the whole? I hope you will join me as I share my personal thoughts on this. I also invite you to continue your own exploration with the following questions:
- Where do you express independence?
- Where are you dependent on others?
- Do you have any co-dependent relationships?
- Where could you allow more interdependence into your life?
Life Passion & Business Podcast is about finding answers to life’s big questions through weekly interview with guest speakers. The Shortcast is my ongoing commitment to staying inquisitive and passionate about life with whatever is alive for me each week. Follow the links below to discover what else is on offer.
Events and Resources: www.lifepassionandbusiness.com
The Five Questions eBook: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/the-five-questions
Support The Podcast:https://www.buymeacoffee.com/lifeandpassion
Audience Survey: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/audience-survey/
Thursday Jul 01, 2021
Sarah Santacroce : Gentle Marketing Revolution
Thursday Jul 01, 2021
Thursday Jul 01, 2021
When I first spoke to Sarah Santacroce, she introduced herself as the Hippie turned Business Coach, which gave me visions of VW Beetles and flowers, so I was instantly hooked and intrigued to learn more. As you will hear, Sarah has a lovely European Accent with a twist of California that is charming to listen to.
She is part of a growing tide of marketing professionals (myself and several other guests included) who are questioning the dubious path that sales and marketing has taken over the last 20 years. Recognizing that it was not healthy to squeeze herself into a model that doesn’t fit her values and personality, Sarah has created a new niche for herself with her business marketing approach and is here to share her story with us.
I hope you enjoy this conversation and discovering more about the Gentle Marketing approach with Sarah Santacroce.
If you are interested in discovering how Sarah can help you, a good place to start is with her free download of “The One Page Marketing Plan”. Click on the link below to access this along with her other links and social media connections.
Full Text for this post along with my Guest’s website and social links are all available at:
Life Passion & Business is dedicated to exploring what it takes to be Extraordinary, to face challenges and rejoice in the opportunities they bring, and expand our vision into new ways of thinking and living.
There is a lot to gain from listening to other people’s stories, however the real work begins by taking action in your own life.
For full details of Events, Resources and Services visit:
Support For Podcasters:
Running a podcast is fun, but it takes time and dedication. Whenever you enjoy a podcast please share your appreciation with comments, likes, shares and reviews. It helps other listeners find good content and supports the content creators and their guests.
Another way you can support the Life Passion & Business podcast is with small donations: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/lifeandpassion
Sunday Jun 27, 2021
Purpose & Passion : Shortcast
Sunday Jun 27, 2021
Sunday Jun 27, 2021
This week we are exploring Purpose and Passion. What is your purpose in life? Is this something you are aware of or even considered?
Life purpose is something that I think we probably arrive here with and when we recognize it we can see how it has played out throughout our life. The actions we take, the decisions we make, the roles we choose often have a common factor and this driving force, this sense of purpose is what fuels our passions.
If you are struggling to identify your purpose then you might find this tool helpful. It is a personal development process that helps you identify your IKIGAI.
Ikigai is a Japanese term that (Wikipedia) translates as “a reason for being” or (according to the book I have) “the happiness of always being busy”.
Whatever the true translation is, this tool helps you uncover your path to a good life.
Life Passion & Business Podcast is about finding answers to life’s big questions through weekly interview with guest speakers. The Shortcast is my ongoing commitment to staying inquisitive and passionate about life with whatever is alive for me each week. Follow the links below to discover what else is on offer.
Events and Resources: www.lifepassionandbusiness.com
The Five Questions eBook: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/the-five-questions
Support The Podcast:https://www.buymeacoffee.com/lifeandpassion
Audience Survey: https://lifepassionandbusiness.com/audience-survey/
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
Bryan Clayton : The Uber for Lawn Care (Rebroadcast)
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
Wednesday Jun 23, 2021
This is a re-release of the conversation I had with Bryan Clayton in June 2020. He is known as the Uber for Lawn Care and I found his story fascinating so I hope you do too.
It all started when he was 13 years old whilst playing his Nintendo. In an attempt to get him moving, his dad suggested they go and cut the neighbour's lawn. It was the $20 his neighbour paid him that got him wondering how many lawns could he cut. By the time he reached high school, he had 200 customers and fast forward a few more years to college, he was already employing five people.
By 2013 he had taken it to 150 employees and $10 million in revenue. However, for Bryan, this signalled the time to move on. So he sold the company to Lusa holdings and tried retirement for a while, but found he needed more of a challenge.
This is where the birth of GREEN PAL came into existence.
Full Text for this post along with my Guest’s website and social links are all available at:
Life Passion & Business is dedicated to exploring what it takes to be Extraordinary, to face challenges and rejoice in the opportunities they bring, and expand our vision into new ways of thinking and living.
There is a lot to gain from listening to other people’s stories, however, the real work begins by taking action in your own life.
For full details of Events, Resources and Services visit:
Support For Podcasters:
Running a podcast is fun, but it takes time and dedication. Whenever you enjoy a podcast please share your appreciation with comments, likes, shares and reviews. It helps other listeners find good content and supports the content creators and their guests.
Another way you can support the Life Passion & Business podcast is with small donations: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/lifeandpassion